اذهب الي المحتوي
بحث مخصص من جوجل فى أوفيسنا
Custom Search

الردود الموصى بها

قام بنشر

اخواني الكرام


احتاج بعد الترحيل ان يقوم بحذف اصل البيانات من بعد مرحلة الترحيل ليس حذف كل البيانات وانما حذف البيانات استنادا للبيانات التي تم عرضها قبل المستخدم


الرجاء حذف البيانات يرتكز على كومبو بوكس 2 لأنه يمثل رقم وظيفي

مع العلم كومبو بوكس 1 يمثل وسيلة الترحيل حسب الاتجاه


تم ارفاق الكود للمساعدة


شكرا لكم





Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

If Me.ComboBox2.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please complete the data! .. íÑÌì ÊÚÈÆÉ ÇáÈíÇäÇÊ ßÇãáÉ"
Exit Sub
End If

If Me.TextBox2.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please complete the data! .. íÑÌì ÊÚÈÆÉ ÇáÈíÇäÇÊ ßÇãáÉ"
Exit Sub
End If
If Me.ComboBox1.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please complete the data! .. íÑÌì ÊÚÈÆÉ ÇáÈíÇäÇÊ ßÇãáÉ"
Exit Sub
End If

If Me.TextBox4.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please complete the data! .. íÑÌì ÊÚÈÆÉ ÇáÈíÇäÇÊ ßÇãáÉ"
Exit Sub
End If

If Me.TextBox5.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please complete the data! .. íÑÌì ÊÚÈÆÉ ÇáÈíÇäÇÊ ßÇãáÉ"
Exit Sub
End If
If Me.TextBox11.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please complete the data! .. íÑÌì ÊÚÈÆÉ ÇáÈíÇäÇÊ ßÇãáÉ"
Exit Sub
End If

If Me.ComboBox1.Value = "North" Then
Dim lastrow As Integer
lastrow = [a1000].End(xlUp).Row + 1
Cells(lastrow, 1).Value = Me.ComboBox2.Value
Cells(lastrow, 2).Value = Me.TextBox13.Value
Cells(lastrow, 3).Value = Me.TextBox6.Value
Cells(lastrow, 4).Value = Me.ComboBox1.Value
Cells(lastrow, 5).Value = Me.TextBox11.Value
Cells(lastrow, 6).Value = Me.TextBox12.Value
Cells(lastrow, 7).Value = Me.TextBox9.Value
Cells(lastrow, 8).Value = Me.TextBox10.Value
Cells(lastrow, 9).Value = Me.TextBox7.Value
Cells(lastrow, 10).Value = Me.TextBox8.Value
Cells(lastrow, 11).Value = Me.TextBox2.Value
Cells(lastrow, 12).Value = Me.TextBox14.Value
Cells(lastrow, 13).Value = Me.TextBox5.Value
Cells(lastrow, 14).Value = Me.TextBox4.Value
MsgBox "Data saved! .. Êã ÍÝÙ ÇáÈíÇäÇÊ"
ComboBox2.Value = ""
TextBox13.Value = ""
TextBox6.Value = ""
ComboBox1.Value = ""
TextBox11.Value = ""
TextBox12.Value = ""
TextBox9.Value = ""
TextBox10.Value = ""
TextBox7.Value = ""
TextBox8.Value = ""
TextBox2.Value = ""
TextBox14.Value = ""
TextBox5.Value = ""
TextBox4.Value = ""

If Me.ComboBox1.Value = "South" Then
Dim lastrow As Integer
lastrow = [a1000].End(xlUp).Row + 1
Cells(lastrow, 1).Value = Me.ComboBox2.Value
Cells(lastrow, 2).Value = Me.TextBox13.Value
Cells(lastrow, 3).Value = Me.TextBox6.Value
Cells(lastrow, 4).Value = Me.ComboBox1.Value
Cells(lastrow, 5).Value = Me.TextBox11.Value
Cells(lastrow, 6).Value = Me.TextBox12.Value
Cells(lastrow, 7).Value = Me.TextBox9.Value
Cells(lastrow, 8).Value = Me.TextBox10.Value
Cells(lastrow, 9).Value = Me.TextBox7.Value
Cells(lastrow, 10).Value = Me.TextBox8.Value
Cells(lastrow, 11).Value = Me.TextBox2.Value
Cells(lastrow, 12).Value = Me.TextBox14.Value
Cells(lastrow, 13).Value = Me.TextBox5.Value
Cells(lastrow, 14).Value = Me.TextBox4.Value
MsgBox "Data saved! .. Êã ÍÝÙ ÇáÈíÇäÇÊ"
ComboBox2.Value = ""
TextBox13.Value = ""
TextBox6.Value = ""
ComboBox1.Value = ""
TextBox11.Value = ""
TextBox12.Value = ""
TextBox9.Value = ""
TextBox10.Value = ""
TextBox7.Value = ""
TextBox8.Value = ""
TextBox2.Value = ""
TextBox14.Value = ""
TextBox5.Value = ""
TextBox4.Value = ""



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