اذهب الي المحتوي

الردود الموصى بها

قام بنشر

السلام عليكم قمت بعمل جداول محورية وارغب فى اضافة دالة التفقيط ليظهر الاجمالى بالاحرف فهل فى طريقة لاضافة دالة التفقيط وشكرا 

قام بنشر

اهلا بك اخ كريم بالمنتدى

كان عليك رفع الملف ولكن تفضل هذا كود للتفقيط

Option Explicit

Public Const vArabic As Byte = 1
Public Const vEnglish As Byte = 2
Public Const vMale As Byte = 0
Public Const vFemale As Byte = 1

Function Delete(S As String, Index, Count As Integer) As String
  Delete = Left(S, Index - 1) + _
           Mid(S, Index + Count, Len(S))
End Function

Function Insert(Source, S As String, Index As Integer) As String
  Dim LPart, RPart As String
  LPart = Left(S, Index - 1)
  RPart = Mid(S, Index, Len(S))
  Insert = LPart & Source & RPart
End Function

Function AddAnd(S1, S2, S3, And_ As String, Lang As Byte) As String
  Dim InAnd_, CollectS As String
  If Lang = vArabic Then InAnd_ = " " + And_ Else InAnd_ = And_ + " "
  If (S1 <> "") And (S2 <> "") Then And_ = InAnd_ Else And_ = ""
  CollectS = S1 + And_ + S2
  If (CollectS <> "") And (S3 <> "") Then And_ = InAnd_ Else And_ = ""
  AddAnd = CollectS + And_ + S3
End Function

Function S2Double(Single_ As Variant, Sex As Byte) As String
  Dim LLeter As Integer
  Dim K As Byte
  Dim Sngl_1, Sngl_2 As String
  K = InStr(1, Single_ & " ", " ")
  Sngl_1 = Left(Single_, K - 1)
  Sngl_2 = ""
  If K < Len(Single_) Then
    Sngl_2 = Mid(Single_, K + 1, Len(Single_))
  End If
  If Sngl_2 <> "" Then
    If Right(Sngl_2, 1) = "É" Then
      Sngl_2 = Left(Sngl_2, Len(Sngl_2) - 1) & "ÊÇä"
      Sngl_2 = Sngl_2 & "Çä"
    End If
  End If
  If Sngl_1 <> "" Then LLeter = Asc(Right(Sngl_1, 1))
  Select Case LLeter
    Case 201 ' "É"
      Sngl_1 = Left(Sngl_1, Len(Sngl_1) - 1) & "ÊÇä"
    Case 236 ' "ì"
      Sngl_1 = Left(Sngl_1, Len(Sngl_1) - 1) & "íÇä"
    Case 199 ' "Ç"
      Sngl_1 = Left(Sngl_1, Len(Sngl_1) - 1) & "æÇä"
    Case 193 ' "Á"
      If Right(Sngl_1, 2) = "ÇÁ" Then
        If Sex = 1 Then
          Sngl_1 = Left(Sngl_1, Len(Sngl_1) - 1) & "æÇä"
          Sngl_1 = Sngl_1 & "Çä"
        End If
      End If
    Case Else
      If Sngl_1 <> "" Then Sngl_1 = Sngl_1 & "Çä"
  End Select
  If Sngl_2 <> "" Then
    S2Double = Sngl_1 & " " & Sngl_2
    S2Double = Sngl_1
  End If
End Function

Function Fmale(Num, Sex As Byte, Female()) As String
  Dim Two(1 To 4) As String
  Dim InSex As Byte
  Two(1) = "ÃÍÏ"
  Two(2) = "ÇËäÇä"
  Two(3) = "ÅÍÏì"
  Two(4) = "É"
  Select Case Sex
    Case vMale:
      Select Case Num
        Case 1:             Fmale = Mid(Female(1), 1, 4)
        Case 2:             Fmale = Two(2)
        Case 8:             Fmale = Female(Num) + "í" + Two(4)
        Case 3 To 7, 9, 10: Fmale = Female(Num) + Two(4)
        Case 11:            Fmale = Two(1) + " " + Female(10)
        Case 12:            Fmale = Mid(Two(2), 1, 4) + " " + Female(10)
        Case 13 To 19:      Fmale = Female(Num - 10) + Two(4) + " " + Female(10)
      End Select
    Case vFemale:
      Select Case Num
        Case 1 To 10:       Fmale = Female(Num)
        Case 11:            Fmale = Two(3) + " " + Female(10) + Two(4)
        Case 12:            Fmale = Mid(Female(2), 1, 5) + " " + Female(10) + Two(4)
        Case 13 To 19:      Fmale = Female(Num - 10) + " " + Female(10) + Two(4)
      End Select
    End Select
End Function

Function Tens(Num As Byte, Female()) As String
  Const Noon = "æä"
  Select Case Num
    Case 2:      Tens = Female(10) + Noon
    Case 3 To 9: Tens = Female(Num) + Noon
  End Select
End Function

Function Hunds(Num As Byte, Female()) As String
  Const Hund = "ãÇÆÉ"
  Select Case Num
    Case 1:      Hunds = Hund
    Case 2:      Hunds = Mid(Hund, 1, 3) + Mid(Female(2), 4, 3)
    Case 3 To 9: Hunds = Female(Num) + Hund
   End Select
End Function

Function Tenteen(Num As Byte, ETens()) As String
  Const een = "een"
  Num = Num Mod 10
  Select Case Num
    Case 3 To 9:
      Tenteen = Mid(ETens(Num), 1, Len(ETens(Num)) - 1) + een
  End Select
End Function

Function EHunds(Num As Byte, ESingle()) As String
  EHunds = ESingle(Num) + " hundred"
End Function

Function ReFormat(InNum As Double, Dec As Byte) As Double
  Dim NewFormat As String
  If Dec > 0 Then NewFormat = "0." Else NewFormat = "0"
  NewFormat = NewFormat & String(Dec, "0")
  ReFormat = Format(InNum, NewFormat)
End Function

Function ReStr(InNum As String) As String
  Dim K, Digits As Byte
  Dim Num_ As String
  Num_ = LTrim(InNum)
  K = InStr(1, Num_, "E+", 1)
  If K > 0 Then
    Digits = Val(Mid(Num_, K + 2, 3))
    Num_ = Left(Num_, K - 1)
    Num_ = Delete(Num_, 2, 1)
    Do While Len(Num_) - 1 < Digits
      Num_ = Insert(Num_, "0", 1)
  End If
  ReStr = Num_
End Function

Function AOnly(Num_, FracS, Single_, Ploral_ As String, Parts, Sex, Dec As Byte) As String
  Const And_ As String * 1 = "æ"
  Const Lang = vArabic
  Dim PartNum(0 To 5) As Long
  Dim Result1(0 To 5) As String
  Dim N1, N2, N3, TempI, Sex2, K As Byte
  Dim Only_    As String
  Dim OnlyPart As String
  Dim N1_, N2_ As String
  Dim N3_      As String
  Dim Part_    As String
  Dim TempS    As String
  Dim Sngl_1, Sngl_2 As String
  Dim Female(1 To 10) As Variant
  Dim Parts_(0 To 11) As String
  If Val(Num_) = 0 Then
    If FracS = "" Then
      AOnly = RTrim("ÕÝÑ " & Single_)
      AOnly = FracS & " " & Single_
    End If
    Exit Function
  End If
  Female(1) = "æÇÍÏÉ"
  Female(2) = "ÇËäÊÇä"
  Female(3) = "ËáÇË"
  Female(4) = "ÃÑÈÚ"
  Female(5) = "ÎãÓ"
  Female(6) = "ÓÊ"
  Female(7) = "ÓÈÚ"
  Female(8) = "ËãÇä"
  Female(9) = "ÊÓÚ"
  Female(10) = "ÚÔÑ"
  Parts_(0) = ""
  Parts_(1) = "ÃáÝ"
  Parts_(2) = "ãáíæä"
  Parts_(3) = "ãáíÇÑ"
  Parts_(4) = "ÊÑáíæä"
  Parts_(5) = "ßÏÑáíæä"
  Parts_(6) = ""
  Parts_(7) = "ÂáÇÝ"
  Parts_(8) = "ãáÇííä"
  Parts_(9) = "ãáíÇÑÇÊ"
  Parts_(10) = "ÊÑáíæäÇÊ"
  Parts_(11) = "ßÏÑáíæäÇÊ"
  K = InStr(1, Single_ & " ", " ")
  Sngl_1 = Left(Single_, K - 1)
  Sngl_2 = ""
  If K < Len(Single_) Then
    Sngl_2 = Mid(Single_, K + 1, Len(Single_))
  End If
  For K = 0 To Parts - 1
    PartNum(K) = Val(Mid(Num_, (K * 3) + 1, 3))
  Next K
    Sex2 = Sex
    For K = 0 To (Parts - 1)
      If K = (Parts - 1) Then Sex = Sex2 Else Sex = vMale
      TempS = Mid(Num_, (K * 3) + 1, 3)
      TempI = Val(Mid(TempS, 2, 2))
      N1 = Val(Mid(TempS, 1, 1))
      N2 = Val(Mid(TempS, 2, 1))
      N3 = Val(Mid(TempS, 3, 1))
      N1_ = "": N2_ = "": N3_ = ""
      If N1 > 0 Then N1_ = Hunds(CByte(N1), Female())
      If PartNum(K) = 200 Then N1_ = Mid(N1_, 1, Len(N1_) - 1)
      Select Case TempI
        Case 1 To 2:
          If K = Parts - 1 Then If FracS <> "" Then N3_ = Fmale(N3, CByte(Sex), Female())  'Sex
        Case 3 To 19:
          N3_ = Fmale(TempI, CByte(Sex), Female())
        Case 20 To 99:
          N2_ = Tens(CByte(N2), Female())
          If N3 > 0 Then N3_ = Fmale(N3, CByte(Sex), Female())
          If (N3 Mod 10 = 1) And (Sex = vFemale) Then N3_ = "ÅÍÏì"
      End Select
      OnlyPart = AddAnd(N1_, N3_, N2_, And_, Lang)
      If PartNum(K) > 100 Then
        Select Case TempI
          Case 1, 2:
            OnlyPart = AddAnd(OnlyPart, Parts_(Parts - K - 1), "", "", Lang)
        End Select
      End If
      Part_ = ""
      If PartNum(K) > 0 Then
        Part_ = Parts_(Parts - K - 1)
        If Part_ <> "" Then
          Select Case TempI
            Case 2:        Part_ = Part_ + "Çä"
            Case 3 To 10:  Part_ = Parts_((Parts - K - 1) + 6)
            Case 11 To 99: Part_ = Part_ + "Ç"
          End Select
        End If
      End If
      If Part_ <> "" Then
        If TempI >= 1 And TempI <= 2 Then
           OnlyPart = AddAnd(OnlyPart, Part_, "", And_, Lang)
          OnlyPart = AddAnd(OnlyPart, Part_, "", "", Lang)
        End If
      End If
      Result1(K) = (OnlyPart)
    Next K
    N1_ = AddAnd(Result1(0), Result1(1), Result1(2), And_, Lang)
    N2_ = AddAnd(Result1(3), Result1(4), Result1(5), And_, Lang)
    Only_ = AddAnd(N1_, N2_, "", And_, Lang)

    If FracS <> "" Then
      If Only_ <> "" Then FracS = " " + FracS
      Only_ = AddAnd(Only_, FracS, "", And_, Lang)
    End If
    If Only_ <> "" Then
      If Mid(Only_, Len(Only_), 1) = "Ç" Then
        If Mid(Only_, Len(Only_) - 1, 2) <> "ÊÇ" Then
          Only_ = Mid(Only_, 1, Len(Only_) - 1)
        End If
      End If
      If TempS = "000" Then
        If Mid(Only_, Len(Only_) - 1, 2) = "Çä" Then
          Only_ = Mid(Only_, 1, Len(Only_) - 1)
        End If
      End If
    End If
    If FracS = "" Then
      Select Case TempI
        Case 0: If Only_ <> "" Then Only_ = AddAnd(Only_, Single_, "", "", Lang)
        Case 1: Only_ = AddAnd(Only_, AddAnd(Single_, Fmale(1, CByte(Sex), Female()), "", "", Lang), "", And_, Lang)
        Case 2: Only_ = AddAnd(Only_, AddAnd(S2Double(Single_, CByte(Sex)), Fmale(2, CByte(Sex), Female()), "", "", Lang), "", And_, Lang)
        Case 3 To 10:
          If Sngl_2 <> "" Then
            If Right(Sngl_2, 1) = "É" Then
              Only_ = AddAnd(Only_, Ploral_, Sngl_2, "", Lang)
              Only_ = AddAnd(Only_, Ploral_, Sngl_2 & "É", "", Lang)
            End If
            Only_ = AddAnd(Only_, Ploral_, "", "", Lang)
          End If
        Case 11 To 99:
          If Sngl_1 <> "" Then
            Only_ = AddAnd(Only_, Sngl_1, "", "", Lang)
            N1_ = Mid(Only_, Len(Only_), 1)
            Select Case N1_
              Case "É", "ì", "Ç"
              Case Else
                Only_ = Only_ + "Ç"
            End Select
            N1_ = Mid(Only_, Len(Only_) - 2, 3)
            'åÐÇ ÇáÔÑØ áÍá ãÔßáÉ ÚÏã ÇáÊãííÒ Èíä "Á" æ "á" 2002/08/24
            If N1_ = "ÇÁÇ" And Asc(Right(Sngl_1, 1)) = 193 Then
              Only_ = Left(Only_, Len(Only_) - 1)
            End If
            If Sngl_2 <> "" Then
              If Right(Only_, 1) = "Ç" Then
                Only_ = AddAnd(Only_, Sngl_2 & "Ç", "", "", Lang)
                Only_ = AddAnd(Only_, Sngl_2, "", "", Lang)
              End If
              Only_ = AddAnd(Only_, Sngl_2, "", "", Lang)
            End If
          End If
      End Select
      Only_ = AddAnd(Only_, Sngl_1, Sngl_2, "", Lang)
    End If
    AOnly = (Only_)
End Function

Function EOnly(Num_, FracS, Single_ As String, Parts, Dec As Byte) As String
  Const Lang = vEnglish
  Dim ESingle(1 To 12) As Variant
  Dim ETens(2 To 9) As Variant
  Dim EParts_(0 To 5) As String
  Dim TempS As String
  Dim N1, N2, N3, TempI, Sex2 As Byte
  Dim N1_, N2_, N3_ As String
  Dim OnlyPart, Part_, Only_ As String
  Dim Leng, K As Integer
  Dim PartNum(0 To 5) As Long
  Dim Result1(0 To 5) As String
  If Val(Num_) = 0 Then
    If FracS = "" Then
      EOnly = LTrim(Single_ & " zero")
      EOnly = Single_ & " " & FracS
    End If
    Exit Function
  End If
  ESingle(1) = "one"
  ESingle(2) = "two"
  ESingle(3) = "three"
  ESingle(4) = "four"
  ESingle(5) = "five"
  ESingle(6) = "six"
  ESingle(7) = "seven"
  ESingle(8) = "eight"
  ESingle(9) = "nine"
  ESingle(10) = "ten"
  ESingle(11) = "eleven"
  ESingle(12) = "twelve"
  ETens(2) = "twenty"
  ETens(3) = "thirty"
  ETens(4) = "forty"
  ETens(5) = "fifty"
  ETens(6) = "sixty"
  ETens(7) = "seventy"
  ETens(8) = "eighty"
  ETens(9) = "ninety"
  EParts_(0) = ""
  EParts_(1) = "thousund"
  EParts_(2) = "million"
  EParts_(3) = "billion"
  EParts_(4) = "trillion"
  EParts_(5) = "quadrillion"
  For K = 0 To Parts - 1
    PartNum(K) = Val(Mid(Num_, (K * 3) + 1, 3))
  Next K
  For K = 0 To (Parts - 1)
    TempS = Mid(Num_, (K * 3) + 1, 3)
    TempI = Val(Mid(TempS, 2, 2))
    N1 = Val(Mid(TempS, 1, 1))
    N2 = Val(Mid(TempS, 2, 1))
    N3 = Val(Mid(TempS, 3, 1))
    N1_ = "": N2_ = "": N3_ = ""
    If N1 > 0 Then N1_ = EHunds(CByte(N1), ESingle())
    Select Case TempI
      Case 1 To 12:  N3_ = ESingle(TempI)
      Case 13 To 19: If N3 > 0 Then N3_ = Tenteen(CByte(TempI), ETens())
      Case 20 To 99:
        N2_ = ETens(N2)
        If N3 > 0 Then
          N3_ = N2_ + "-" + ESingle(N3)
          N2_ = ""
        End If
    End Select
    OnlyPart = AddAnd(N1_, N2_, N3_, "", Lang)
    Part_ = ""
    If PartNum(K) > 0 Then
      Part_ = EParts_(Parts - K - 1)
      If Part_ <> "" Then Part_ = EParts_((Parts - K - 1))
    End If
    Result1(K) = AddAnd(OnlyPart, Part_, "", "", Lang)
  Next K
  N1_ = AddAnd(Result1(0), Result1(1), Result1(2), "", Lang)
  N2_ = AddAnd(Result1(3), Result1(4), Result1(5), "", Lang)
  Only_ = AddAnd(N1_, N2_, "", "", Lang)

  Leng = Len(Only_)
  Only_ = AddAnd(Only_, FracS, "", " and", Lang)
  If Only_ <> "" Then
    Only_ = AddAnd(Single_, Only_, "", "", Lang)
    EOnly = Only_
  End If
End Function

Function S_Only(InNum As Variant, Lang, FracType As Byte) As Variant
  Dim Num_ As String
  Dim K, Dec As Byte
  Dim FType As Byte
  If IsNull(InNum) Then
    S_Only = Null
    Exit Function
  End If
  Num_ = Str(InNum)
  K = InStr(1, Num_, ".", 1)
  If K > 0 Then
    Dec = Len(Num_) - K
    If Dec < 2 Then Dec = 2
   Dec = 0
  End If
  FType = FracType
  If FType <> 2 Then FType = 1
  S_Only = B_Only(InNum, Lang, 0, Dec, "", "", 0, "", "", FType)
End Function
Function B_Only(InNum As Variant, Lang, Sex, Dec As Byte, Single_, Ploral_ As String, _
                FSex As Byte, SFrac, PFrac As String, FracType As Byte) As Variant
  Dim Leng, Parts, K As Byte
  Dim FracVal  As Double
  Dim Num_     As String
  Dim FracS    As String
  Dim FracNum  As String
  Dim Only     As String
  If IsNull(InNum) Then
    B_Only = Null
    Exit Function
  End If
  Num_ = Str(InNum)
  If InStr(1, Num_, "E+", 1) > 0 Then
    Num_ = ReStr(Num_)
    FracVal = 0
    GoTo DoProcess
  End If
  Num_ = ReFormat(Val(InNum), Dec)
  K = InStr(1, Num_, ".", 1)
  If K > 0 Then FracS = "0" & Mid(Num_, K, Dec + 1) Else FracS = ""
  FracVal = Val(FracS)
  Num_ = Trim(Str(Fix(InNum)))
  Do While Len(FracS) < Dec + 2
    FracS = Insert(FracS, "0", 1)

  If FracVal = 0 Then FracS = ""
  FracNum = Trim(Mid(FracS, 3, Len(FracS)))
  If FracS <> "" Then
    Select Case FracType
      Case 2
        Select Case Lang
          Case vArabic:  FracS = "1" & String(Dec, "0") & "/" & Format(FracNum, String(Dec, "0"))
          Case vEnglish: FracS = Format(FracNum, String(Dec, "0")) & "/" & "1" & String(Dec, "0")
        End Select
      Case 3
        FracS = FracNum & " " & SFrac
        If Lang = vEnglish And CDbl(FracNum) > 1 Then FracS = FracS & "'s"
      Case 4
        Leng = Len(FracNum)
        Parts = Fix((Leng + 2) / 3)
        For K = 1 To (Parts * 3) - Leng
          FracNum = Insert("0", FracNum, 1)
        Next K
        Select Case Lang
          Case vArabic:  FracS = AOnly(FracNum, "", SFrac, PFrac, Parts, FSex, FracType)
          Case vEnglish: FracS = EOnly(FracNum, "", "", Parts, 0) & " " & SFrac
                         If CDbl(FracNum) > 1 Then FracS = FracS & "'s"
        End Select
    End Select
  End If
  Leng = Len(Num_)
  Parts = Fix((Leng + 2) / 3)
  For K = 1 To (Parts * 3) - Leng
    Num_ = Insert("0", Num_, 1)
  Next K
  If Len(Num_) > 18 Then
    B_Only = InNum
    Exit Function
  End If
  Select Case FracType
    Case 1, 2
      Select Case Lang
        Case vArabic:  Only = AOnly(Num_, FracS, Single_, Ploral_, Parts, Sex, Dec)
        Case vEnglish: Only = EOnly(Num_, FracS, Single_ & "", Parts, Dec)
      End Select
    Case 3, 4
      Select Case Lang
        Case vArabic:  Only = AOnly(Num_, "", Single_, Ploral_, Parts, Sex, Dec)
                       If CDbl(Num_) = 0 And FracS <> "" Then Only = ""
                       If FracS <> "" Then Only = AddAnd(Only, FracS, "", "æ ", CByte(Lang))
        Case vEnglish: Only = EOnly(Num_, "", Single_ & "", Parts, Dec)
                       If CDbl(Num_) = 0 And FracS <> "" Then Only = ""
                       If FracS <> "" Then Only = AddAnd(Only, FracS, "", " and", CByte(Lang))
      End Select
  End Select
  If Only <> "" Then
    Select Case Lang
      Case vArabic:  B_Only = "ÝÞØ " & Only
      Case vEnglish: B_Only = Only & " only"
    End Select
  End If
End Function

وعليك بوضع هذه المعادلة فى الخلية التى تريد اظهار التفقيط بها

بمعنى لو افترضنا ان الرقم موجود بالخلية A2 تكون المعادلة كالتالى :

=B_Only(A2,1,0,2,"ريال ","ريالات",0,"فلس","فلسات",4)



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