noratona قام بنشر أبريل 3, 2018 قام بنشر أبريل 3, 2018 Date Student Name Timings on the register Early Drop off Time Late Collection Time 1/10/2018 Mark 7:30 am - 3:00 pm 7:00 3:30 the role is : Early Bird 7:00 - 7:30 charge 25$ Late pickup (10$ per min.) How we can that role in excel please ???//
Ali Mohamed Ali قام بنشر أبريل 3, 2018 قام بنشر أبريل 3, 2018 Please I want To ask you want to charge for Early ? & 25 $ for what???? per min or what ? 1
noratona قام بنشر أبريل 4, 2018 الكاتب قام بنشر أبريل 4, 2018 Dear Sir , Thank you for your quick response. I appreciate your help and support. Dear sir , The calculation Amount in the column F is (400 ), but it must be (40) bec the base is (10$) Per each (10min) late.
تمت الإجابة Ali Mohamed Ali قام بنشر أبريل 4, 2018 تمت الإجابة قام بنشر أبريل 4, 2018 you said before it should be per min 10$ ok i will change ,it mean's 1$ per min ok here you are Book1.xlsx 1
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