اذهب الي المحتوي

Monthly Calendar

الردود الموصى بها

طلب الي احد الاصدقاء وضع كود لادراج رزنامة لسنة محددة وشهر محدد مع تمييز (يوم معيّن) من هذا الشهر

فكان هذا الكود الذي ارجو ان يستفيد منه الاخرون

قبل تنفيذ الكود الكود:

تسمية الصفحة التي تريد العمل عليها بهذا الاسم  "Salim_Calendar"


في الخلية     B1    رقم السنة

في الخلية      B2   رقم الشهر

في الخلية       G1  رقم اليوم المييز



Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Sub My_Calandar()
 If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Salim_Calendar" Then Exit Sub
Dim t As Date, i As Byte
Dim Arab_day(), m%
Dim EnG_day(), rows_count As Byte
Dim col As Byte
Dim r As Byte
Dim search_day As Date

rows_count = Range("b4").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 3
Range("b4:H" & rows_count).ClearContents
Range("b5:h10").Interior.ColorIndex = 0

 '''''''''''''''''''''''''Conditions for working''''''''''''''''''
 If Not IsNumeric([b1]) Or Not IsNumeric([b2]) _
  Or [b1] < 1 Or [b2] > 12 Or [b2] < 1 Then
  MsgBox "Type Valid Numbers in cell(B1) & cell(B2)": Exit Sub
 End If
 ''''''''''''''''''''''''' End of Conditions for working''''''''''''''''''
 r = 5
 t = DateSerial([b1], [b2], 1)
    '''''''''''''''''''''''''Conditions for Special Day''''''''''''''''''
 If Not IsNumeric([g1]) Or [g1] > Day(Application.EoMonth(t, 0)) _
    Or [g1] < 1 Then
     [g1] = 1
     [g1] = Int([g1])
  End If
  '''''''''''''''''''''''''End of Conditions Special Day''''''''''''''''''
    search_day = DateSerial([b1], [b2], [g1])
        Arab_day = Array("الأحد", "الإثنين", "الثلاثاء", _
        "الأربعاء", "الخميس", "الجمعة", "السّبت")
'    EnG_day = Array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat")
    Range("b4").Resize(, 7) = Arab_day
   m = Weekday(t) + 1
    For i = 1 To 31
         Cells(r, m) = t
          If t = search_day Then
            Cells(r, m).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
            Cells(r, m).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
          End If
                If Month(t + 1) > [b2] Then Exit For
              t = t + 1
              m = m + 1
         col = Cells(r, m).Column
          If col > 8 Then r = r + 1: m = 2
 Erase Arab_day
End Sub

الملف مرفق



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رابط هذا التعليق

ما شاء الله

إبداع أخي سليم

وخاصة التأكد من قيم الخلايا التي يدخلها المستخدم

وفقنا الله وإياكم لكل ما يحب ويرضى

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رابط هذا التعليق

قليل من التحسين على الكود  (ازالة حلقة تكرارية- للتلوين ) و تحديد نهاية الحلقة التكرارية الأولى حتى نهاية الشهر

و ذلك يجعله اسرع 

Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Sub My_Calandar1()
 If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Salim_Calendar" Then Exit Sub
    Dim t As Date, Search_Day As Date
    Dim Arab_day(), EnG_day()
    Dim i As Byte, m As Byte, r As Byte, _
         My_Max As Byte, rows_count As Byte
    rows_count = Range("b4").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 3
    Range("b4:H" & rows_count).ClearContents
    Range("b5:h10").Interior.ColorIndex = 0

 '''''''''''''''''''''''''Conditions for working''''''''''''''''''
 If Not IsNumeric([b1]) Or Not IsNumeric([b2]) _
  Or [b1] < 1 Or [b2] > 12 Or [b2] < 1 Then
  MsgBox "Type Valid Numbers in cell(B1) & cell(B2)": Exit Sub
 End If
 ''''''''''''''''''''''''' End of Conditions for working''''''''''''''''''
 r = 5
 t = DateSerial([b1], [b2], 1)
 My_Max = Day(Application.EoMonth(t, 0))
    '''''''''''''''''''''''''Conditions for Special Day''''''''''''''''''
 If Not IsNumeric([g1]) Or [g1] > Day(Application.EoMonth(t, 0)) _
    Or [g1] < 1 Then
     [g1] = 1
     [g1] = Int([g1])
  End If
  '''''''''''''''''''''''''End of Conditions Special Day''''''''''''''''''
    Search_Day = DateSerial([b1], [b2], [g1])
        Arab_day = Array("الأحد", "الإثنين", "الثلاثاء", _
        "الأربعاء", "الخميس", "الجمعة", "السّبت")
'    EnG_day = Array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat")
    Range("b4").Resize(, 7) = Arab_day
   m = Weekday(t) + 1
    For i = 1 To My_Max
          With Cells(r, m)
           .Value = t
           .Interior.ColorIndex = 35
              t = t + 1
              m = m + 1
           If .Column > 7 Then r = r + 1: m = 2
          End With

    Range(Range("b5:h9").Find(Search_Day).Address).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

 Erase Arab_day
End Sub


رابط هذا التعليق

ولإثراء الموضوع يمكن اختصار الأكواد قليلا إلى هذا

Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Sub My_Calandar()
 If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Salim_Calendar" Then Exit Sub
Dim t As Date, i As Byte
Dim Arab_day(), m%
Dim EnG_day(), rows_count As Byte
Dim col As Byte
Dim r As Byte
Dim search_day As Date

rows_count = Range("b4").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 3
Range("b4:H" & rows_count).ClearContents
Range("b5:h10").Interior.ColorIndex = 0
 '''''''''''''''''''''''''Conditions for working''''''''''''''''''
 If Not IsNumeric([b1]) Or Not IsNumeric([b2]) _
  Or [b1] < 1 Or [b2] > 12 Or [b2] < 1 Then
  MsgBox "Type Valid Numbers in cell(B1) & cell(B2)": Exit Sub
 End If
 ''''''''''''''''''''''''' End of Conditions for working''''''''''''''''''
 r = 5
'''''''''''''''''''''''''Conditions for Special Day''''''''''''''''''
 If Not IsNumeric([g1]) Or [g1] > Day(Application.EoMonth(t, 0)) _
    Or [g1] < 1 Then
     [g1] = 1
     [g1] = Int([g1])
  End If
  '''''''''''''''''''''''''End of Conditions Special Day''''''''''''''''''
    search_day = DateSerial([b1], [b2], [g1])
        Arab_day = Array("الأحد", "الإثنين", "الثلاثاء", _
        "الأربعاء", "الخميس", "الجمعة", "السّبت")
   '    EnG_day = Array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat")
    Range("b4").Resize(, 7) = Arab_day
    For i = 1 To 31
        t = DateSerial([b1], [b2], i)
        m = Weekday(t) + 1
        Cells(r, m) = t
        Cells(r, m).Interior.ColorIndex = IIf(t = search_day, 3, 35)
        If Month(t + 1) > [b2] Then Exit For
        r = IIf(m + 1 > 8, r + 1, r)
 Erase Arab_day
End Sub

نفعنا الله وإياكم بما علمنا وعلمنا ما ينفعنا

  • Like 3
رابط هذا التعليق

للاختصار اكثر واكثر

Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Sub My_Calandar3()
 If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Salim_Calendar" Then Exit Sub
    Dim t As Date, Search_Day As Date
    Dim Arab_day(), EnG_day()
    Dim i As Byte, m As Byte, r As Byte, _
         My_Max As Byte, rows_count As Byte
    rows_count = Range("b4").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 3
    Range("b4:H" & rows_count).ClearContents
    Range("b5:h10").Interior.ColorIndex = 0

 '''''''''''''''''''''''''Conditions for working''''''''''''''''''
 If Not IsNumeric([b1]) Or Not IsNumeric([b2]) _
  Or [b1] < 1 Or [b2] > 12 Or [b2] < 1 Then
  MsgBox "Type Valid Numbers in cell(B1) & cell(B2)": Exit Sub
 End If
 ''''''''''''''''''''''''' End of Conditions for working''''''''''''''''''
 r = 5
 t = DateSerial([b1], [b2], 1)
 My_Max = Day(Application.EoMonth(t, 0))
    '''''''''''''''''''''''''Conditions for Special Day''''''''''''''''''
 If Not IsNumeric([g1]) Or [g1] > Day(Application.EoMonth(t, 0)) _
    Or [g1] < 1 Then
     [g1] = 1
     [g1] = Int([g1])
  End If
  '''''''''''''''''''''''''End of Conditions Special Day''''''''''''''''''
    Search_Day = DateSerial([b1], [b2], [g1])
     Arab_day = Array("الأحد", "الإثنين", "الثلاثاء", _
        "الأربعاء", "الخميس", "الجمعة", "السّبت")
'    EnG_day = Array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat")
    Range("b4").Resize(, 7) = Arab_day
   m = Weekday(t) + 1
    For i = 1 To My_Max
          With Cells(r, m)
           .Value = t
              t = t + 1
              m = m + 1
         r = IIf(m > 8, r + 1, r)
         m = IIf(m > 8, 2, m)
          End With

    Range("b5:h9").SpecialCells(2).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
    Range(Range("b5:h9").Find(Search_Day).Address).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

 Erase Arab_day
End Sub


  • Like 1
رابط هذا التعليق

4 ساعات مضت, أ / محمد صالح said:

ولإثراء الموضوع يمكن اختصار الأكواد قليلا إلى هذا

Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Sub My_Calandar()
 If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Salim_Calendar" Then Exit Sub
Dim t As Date, i As Byte
Dim Arab_day(), m%
Dim EnG_day(), rows_count As Byte
Dim col As Byte
Dim r As Byte
Dim search_day As Date

rows_count = Range("b4").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 3
Range("b4:H" & rows_count).ClearContents
Range("b5:h10").Interior.ColorIndex = 0
 '''''''''''''''''''''''''Conditions for working''''''''''''''''''
 If Not IsNumeric([b1]) Or Not IsNumeric([b2]) _
  Or [b1] < 1 Or [b2] > 12 Or [b2] < 1 Then
  MsgBox "Type Valid Numbers in cell(B1) & cell(B2)": Exit Sub
 End If
 ''''''''''''''''''''''''' End of Conditions for working''''''''''''''''''
 r = 5
'''''''''''''''''''''''''Conditions for Special Day''''''''''''''''''
 If Not IsNumeric([g1]) Or [g1] > Day(Application.EoMonth(t, 0)) _
    Or [g1] < 1 Then
     [g1] = 1
     [g1] = Int([g1])
  End If
  '''''''''''''''''''''''''End of Conditions Special Day''''''''''''''''''
    search_day = DateSerial([b1], [b2], [g1])
        Arab_day = Array("الأحد", "الإثنين", "الثلاثاء", _
        "الأربعاء", "الخميس", "الجمعة", "السّبت")
   '    EnG_day = Array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat")
    Range("b4").Resize(, 7) = Arab_day
    For i = 1 To 31
        t = DateSerial([b1], [b2], i)
        m = Weekday(t) + 1
        Cells(r, m) = t
        Cells(r, m).Interior.ColorIndex = IIf(t = search_day, 3, 35)
        If Month(t + 1) > [b2] Then Exit For
        r = IIf(m + 1 > 8, r + 1, r)
 Erase Arab_day
End Sub

نفعنا الله وإياكم بما علمنا وعلمنا ما ينفعنا

عدد سطور الكود في مشاركتي 45 سطرا

3 ساعات مضت, سليم حاصبيا said:

للاختصار اكثر واكثر

Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Sub My_Calandar3()
 If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Salim_Calendar" Then Exit Sub
    Dim t As Date, Search_Day As Date
    Dim Arab_day(), EnG_day()
    Dim i As Byte, m As Byte, r As Byte, _
         My_Max As Byte, rows_count As Byte
    rows_count = Range("b4").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 3
    Range("b4:H" & rows_count).ClearContents
    Range("b5:h10").Interior.ColorIndex = 0

 '''''''''''''''''''''''''Conditions for working''''''''''''''''''
 If Not IsNumeric([b1]) Or Not IsNumeric([b2]) _
  Or [b1] < 1 Or [b2] > 12 Or [b2] < 1 Then
  MsgBox "Type Valid Numbers in cell(B1) & cell(B2)": Exit Sub
 End If
 ''''''''''''''''''''''''' End of Conditions for working''''''''''''''''''
 r = 5
 t = DateSerial([b1], [b2], 1)
 My_Max = Day(Application.EoMonth(t, 0))
    '''''''''''''''''''''''''Conditions for Special Day''''''''''''''''''
 If Not IsNumeric([g1]) Or [g1] > Day(Application.EoMonth(t, 0)) _
    Or [g1] < 1 Then
     [g1] = 1
     [g1] = Int([g1])
  End If
  '''''''''''''''''''''''''End of Conditions Special Day''''''''''''''''''
    Search_Day = DateSerial([b1], [b2], [g1])
     Arab_day = Array("الأحد", "الإثنين", "الثلاثاء", _
        "الأربعاء", "الخميس", "الجمعة", "السّبت")
'    EnG_day = Array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat")
    Range("b4").Resize(, 7) = Arab_day
   m = Weekday(t) + 1
    For i = 1 To My_Max
          With Cells(r, m)
           .Value = t
              t = t + 1
              m = m + 1
         r = IIf(m > 8, r + 1, r)
         m = IIf(m > 8, 2, m)
          End With

    Range("b5:h9").SpecialCells(2).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
    Range(Range("b5:h9").Find(Search_Day).Address).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

 Erase Arab_day
End Sub


بينما في المشاركة الثانية 53 سطرا

أعتقد كنت تقصد الإطالة أكثر أستاذ سليم

جل من لا يسهو

وعلى فكرة يمكن اختصاره إلى أقل من 45 سطرا

وفقنا الله جميعا لكل خير

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رابط هذا التعليق

من فضلك سجل دخول لتتمكن من التعليق

ستتمكن من اضافه تعليقات بعد التسجيل

سجل دخولك الان
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