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IELTS speaking test

امتحان المحادثة في الايلتس

الامتحان مدته 14 دقيقه
مع examiner 
ممكن في نفس يوم الامتحان او قبله او بعده
الامتحان واحد بالنسبه للاكاديمى و امتحان الهجرة
تلات أجزاء

الجزء الأول 

عبارة عن تلات مجموعات من الأسئلة

المجموعه الأولى بتبقى حاجة من اتنين ياما عن مكان سكنك او عن شغلك او دراستك

Tell me about where you live? I live in a three bedroom flat with my family, it overlooks ( a green yard/ the Nile/ any other landmark) and is situated in a cosmopolitan area in (name of city)

What do you like about it? I have my own room and it is arranged the way I want it to be.

Would you like to live there in the future? I would want to but life changes and I will have my own place someday I have lived there all my life, around (x) years

الإجابة على كل سؤال تبقى مختصره جمله او جملتين كفايه

Do you work or are you a student?

What kind of work do you do?

I work as a/an ……

What do you enjoy or dislike about it?

The thing that I like the most or dislike the most is (gerund to verb every morning) – having to get up really early every morning

Would you like to stay in this job in the future? I guess so, it pays well and I learn a lot everyday


What subjects do you study?

I study (English, maths, science and geography, etc)

Why did you choose these subjects?

I am planning to pursue a degree in engineering/literature/ science or medicine and these topics are prerequisites to this major.


المجموعة التانية و التالتة أسئلة عن اهتماماتك او نشاطاتك

حوالى اربع أسئلة على كل موضوع 


Learn to :

paraphrase the questions

Use complex grammatical structure to show preferences

Compare between two things

List information in full sentences

Generalize on topics

Show frequency

Show personal opinion

Recall historical events in your life

Free Time

I’d like to move on and ask you some questions about your free time

1. What type of activities do you like to do in your free time?
1. The types of activities I normally like to do in my free time fall between two things, sports and socializing
2. How long have you been interested in these activities?
1. I guess I have been interested in these kinds of activities ever since I started going to school. I met a lot of my friends through enrolling in sports class and we would usually go out together afterwards.
3. Do you like to do these activities alone or with other people? (Why)?
1. I would say, with other people. There is no point in doing everything alone. Where is the fun in that
4. Do you think people have enough free time? (Why/why not)?
1. In this time and age, people seem to run short of time, though they technically enjoy the same 24 hours our ancestors had but today, people juggle many balls in the air and that accounts for their busy schedules. So I think they don’t have as much free time as their counterparts had the in the past.


I’d like to move on and ask you some questions about your family.

1. How many people are there in your family?
2. Do you all live in the same house? (Why/why not)?
3. What things do you like doing together?
4. Who is your favourite family member?


Let’s move on and talk about being on time for appointments.

1. Is being late acceptable in your culture? (Why/why not)?
2. Are you ever late for appointments? (Why/why not)?
3. What type of excuses do you think are alright for lateness?
4. How do you feel when someone is late for an appointment with you?


Let’s change the topic and talk about your neighbours

1. Do you know the people who live next door to you?
2. How often do you see each other?
3. What kind of relationship do you have?
4. How can neighbours be helpful?
5. What kind of problems can people have with their neighbours in a big city?


Moving to a new topic, I’d like to discuss cooking and meals with you.

1. Do you enjoy cooking? (Why/why not)?
2. What type of things can you cook? (Why)?
3. What kinds of food are popular in your country?
4. Is it an important part of your culture to have dinner parties? (Why)?
5. Do you prefer to eat with other people or on your own? (Why)?


I’d now like to discuss your night time dreams with you.

1. Do you dream much at night?
2. Do you often remember your dreams?
3. Do you think we can learn anything from dreams? (Why)?
4. Do people in your country talk about their dreams? (Why)?
5. Do you think that dreams can come true?

Magazines and Newspapers

Okay, let’s move to a different topic and discuss magazines and newspapers.

1. Which do you prefer reading, newspapers or magazines? (Why)?
2. What type of stories do you like to read about? (Why)?
3. Do you think reading a magazine or a newspaper can help you learn a language? (Why)?
4. Why do you think some people prefer magazines to newspapers?


Let’s change the topic and talk about comedy and humour.

1. What type of programmes do you find funny on TV?
2. Which types of programmes are most popular in your country? (Why)?
3. What kind of things make you laugh? (Why)?
4. Do you like to make people laugh? (How)?
5. Do you think it is important to have a sense of humour? (Why)?


Let’s move on and talk about museums.

1. Are museums popular in your country?
2. Did you visit museums when you were a child?
3. Do you like to visit museums nowadays?
4. Do you think you should pay to visit museums?

Mobile Phones

Now let’s talk about mobile phones.

1. Do you have a mobile phone?
2. At what age did you first get a mobile?
3. What do you most use it for?
4. Is it a nuisance if people use mobiles in public places such as trains and buses?


We'll now talk about television.

1. How many hours a day do you spend watching television?
2. What type of television programs do you like to watch? 
3. Do you think children in your country watch too much television?
4. Do you think television is useful for education in schools?

The Sea

Now we'll talk about the sea. 

1. Do you like to go on holiday by the sea?
2. Are there many hotels by the sea in your country
3. What kind of activities can people do by the sea?
4. How long do people normal visit the sea for when they go on holiday?
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