اذهب الي المحتوي

الردود الموصى بها

قام بنشر

السلام عليكم إخواني

ممكن مساعدة بخصوص نهاية فترة تسديد القرض يكون اخر الشهر وليس في اول الشهر 


عامل تحصل على قرض مالي بمبلغ 40.000.00 دج   مدة الإقتطاع 08 اشهر

بداية الإقتطاع من 2017/01/01 الى غاية 2017/08/01

   المطلوب يكون : 2017/01/01 الى غاية 2017/08/31

Private Sub UpdateEndData()
    Dim Dcode As Integer

    'since we are using the calendar, we will get the day, month, and year,
    'although we only need the month and the year, and that is what this fields Format shows, mmmm\-yyyy
    'but for easyness for the search later, we will assign the day always as 1
    If Len(Me.AwardMonth & "") <> 0 Then
        Me.AwardMonth = DateSerial(Year(Me.AwardMonth), Month(Me.AwardMonth), 1)
    End If
    Me.DiscountStartDate = DateSerial(Year(Me.DiscountStartDate), Month(Me.DiscountStartDate), 1)
    Dcode = Switch([Cridi_ID] = 1, 10, [Cridi_ID] = 2, 10, [Cridi_ID] = 3, 10, [Cridi_ID] = 4, 8, [Cridi_ID] = 5, 2)
    DiscountEndDate = DateAdd("m", Dcode, [DiscountStartDate] - 1)
    Me.DiscountEndDate = DateSerial(Year(Me.DiscountEndDate), Month(Me.DiscountEndDate), 1)
    DiscountPerMonth = [Cridi_Value] / Dcode

    'add the loan Records to tbl_Loans
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
    Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * From tbl_Loans")
    'rst.MoveLast: rst.MoveFirst
    For I = 0 To Me.CmdCridi.Column(4) - 1

        rst!EmployeeID = Me.EmployeeID
        rst!Loan_ID = Me.ID
        rst!Loan_AwardMonth = Me.AwardMonth
        rst!Payment_Month = DateAdd("m", I, Me.DiscountStartDate)   'add the months, or use the next line
        'rst!Payment_Month = DateSerial(Year(Me.DiscountStartDate), Month(Me.DiscountStartDate) + I, 1)
        rst!Loan_Cridi = Me.txtDiscountPerMonth
        'rst!Loan_Elec=         'to be used in Elec loan Form
        'rst!Loan_Other=        'to be used in Other loan Form
        'rst!Payment_Made =     'to be used each time a pyment is made
        rst!Loan_Type = "Cridi"
        rst!Remarks = Me.CmdCridi.Column(1)
    Next I
    rst.Close: Set rst = Nothing

'Auto_ID, Auto_Date, EmployeeID, Loan_ID, Loan_AwardMonth, Payment_Month, Loan_Cridi, Loan_Elec, Loan_Other,  Payment_Amount, Payment_Made, Remarks
End Sub



قام بنشر

وعليكم السلام اخي كريمو:smile:


بدل هذا السطر
Me.DiscountEndDate = DateSerial(Year(Me.DiscountEndDate), Month(Me.DiscountEndDate), 1)

Me.DiscountEndDate = DateSerial(Year(Me.DiscountEndDate), Month(Me.DiscountEndDate), 0)



قام بنشر

شكرا استاذي الكريم جعفر

التصحيح انقص شهرا

مثلا بداية الاقتطاع 2017/01/01   النهاية   2017/08/31    المدة 8 اشهر .................. الصحيح

الكود حاليا يعمل الى غاية 2017/07/31 .................. الخطأ

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