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لو سمحتم انا عايزة ادرج ترقيم للجداول والاشكال فى ملف وورد بس مش عايزة الترقيم يبتدى من رقم 1 بمعنى عايزة ابتدى الملف من 
figure 10 

انا بعمل 

insert ---- caption ------figure 
والوورد يبتدى الترقيم تلقائي ويحسب التالي انا بقا عايزة ابتدى ترقيم الاشكال فى الجدول من رقم 10 
ارجو الرد


قام بنشر

الحمد لله لقيت الحل 

واهو عشان الكل يستفاد

Method 1
  1. Insert all of the captions as usual.
  2. Press ALT+F9 (Windows) or OPTION+F9 (Macintosh) to toggle the field codes on. You should see something like the following:
    Figure {SEQ Figure \* ARABIC}
  3. Place the insertion point within the field code braces {} and after your caption text. In the above example, place the insertion point between Figure and \* inside of the field code braces {}.
  4. Type \r n where n is the number that you can to start captions from.
  5. Toggle your field codes off by pressing ALT+F9 (Windows) or OPTION+F9 (Macintosh).
  6. On the File menu, click Print Preview. Then, click Close on the Print Preview screen.

This will refresh your document and update all of the Caption fields in your document.

Method 2
  1. Insert all of your captions as you would normally do.
  2. Go to the caption where you want to renumber the starting number of the caption and then select the number in the caption.
  3. On the Insert menu, click Field.
  4. Under Field Names, select "SEQ."
  5. In the Field Codes box, after "SEQ," type <your caption text>. (Where <your caption text> is the text you want to appear in the caption).
  6. Click Options, click the Field Specific Switches tab, select the \r switch, and then click Add To Field in the Field Codes box. Then, in the Field Codes box, type the number desired to restart the caption numbering after the \r.
  7. Click OK twice.
  8. On the File menu, click Print Preview. Then, click Close on the Print Preview screen. This will refresh your document and update all of the Caption fields in your document.

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