اذهب الي المحتوي

مجموعة أكواد للتعامل مع الجداول المحورية

الردود الموصى بها

فى مشاركة سابقة تم شرح الجداول المحورية من هنا

و هذا شرح للمبتدئين

اما هذه المشاركة فللمتقدمين فى استخدامها :

هذه مجموعة أكواد أعددنها للتغلب علي موضوع تحديث عدد كبير من الجداول المحورية فى نفس الملف و تغيير مصدر بياناتها الي مجال محدد ( اسم ) و عرض و تغيير خاصية التحديث عند فتح الملف لها

و عذرا ، فلن يستفيد منها الا من يستخدم الجداول المحورية بالفعل و بكفاءة

اولا ملخص للاكواد فى المثال

Macros in this Workbook:


   Lists All Pivot Cashes

لسرد جميع مجموعات بيانات الجداول المحورية فى الملف


   List Pivot Table Sources Per Table Per Sheet

للسرد لكل ورقة عمل علي حدة


   Change the Range name used as source for all Pivot Tables

تغيير المجال المستخدم كمصدر بيانات 


   Refreshes all Pivot Cashes

تحديث كل الجداول المحورية بالكود


   Lists the Refresh on open Property Value for all Cashes

سرد قيمة خاصية التحديث عند الفرز



  To Enable and Disable Autorefresh of Pivot Table on Open

للتحكم فى خاصية التحديث عند الفتح
ثانيا الاكواد نفسها
Sub list_Cashes()

'Open "c:\temp.txt" For Output As #1

 'Lineinput ,#1 "koko"

 '  Close #1

  Dim fs, S, A

    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set A = fs.CreateTextFile("c:\" & "temp.txt", True)


    A.writeline "Pivots in File named : " & ActiveWorkbook.FullName & " : "


    A.writeline "*********** Prepared By Mohamed Taher *****************"


 For i = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Count


     'Debug.Print "source of pivot no. ";

     'Debug.Print i;

     'Debug.Print " : ";

     'Debug.Print ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches(i).SourceData

 Dim tmpLine As String


  tmpLine = "Pivot Cash no. " & i & " : " & ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches(i).SourceData

  A.writeline (tmpLine)


 Next i




    Dim x

    x = Shell("notepad.exe c:\temp.txt", 1)



End Sub

Sub list_RefreshonopenValue()

'Open "c:\temp.txt" For Output As #1

 'Lineinput ,#1 "koko"

 '  Close #1

  Dim fs, S, A

    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set A = fs.CreateTextFile("c:\" & "temp.txt", True)


    A.writeline "Pivots in File named : " & ActiveWorkbook.FullName & " : "


    A.writeline "*********** Prepared By Mohamed Taher *****************"


 For i = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Count

Dim tmpLine As String


  tmpLine = "Pivot Cash no. " & i & " refresh on open status : " & ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches(i).RefreshOnFileOpen

  A.writeline (tmpLine)


 Next i




    Dim x

    x = Shell("notepad.exe c:\temp.txt", 1)



End Sub

Sub refresh()

    For i = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Count


    Next i

End Sub

Sub List_PivSources_PerSheet()

 Dim fs, S, A

    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set A = fs.CreateTextFile("c:\" & "temp.txt", True)

    A.writeline "Pivots per Sheet - in File named : " & ActiveWorkbook.FullName & " : "


    A.writeline "*********** Prepared By Mohamed Taher *****************"



For j = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count


    A.writeline "Sheet named : " & Worksheets(j).Name

    A.writeline "----------"

  For k = 1 To Worksheets(j).PivotTables.Count

      Dim tmpLine As String

      tmpLine = "source of pivot no. " & j & " : " & Worksheets(j).PivotTables(k).SourceData

      A.writeline (tmpLine)

  Next k

Next j



    Dim x

    x = Shell("notepad.exe c:\temp.txt", 1)



'Worksheets("Sheet3").PivotTables(1) _

    .PivotFields("Year").Orientation = xlRowField

End Sub

Sub Do_RefreshonOpen()

'True if the PivotTable cache or query table is automatically updated each time the workbook is opened

'For Each pc In ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches

'    pc.RefreshOnFileOpen = True


 For i = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Count

   ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches(i).RefreshOnFileOpen = True

 Next i

End Sub

Sub No_RefreshonOpen()

'True if the PivotTable cache or query table is automatically updated each time the workbook is opened

'For Each pc In ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches

'    pc.RefreshOnFileOpen = False


 For i = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Count

   ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches(i).RefreshOnFileOpen = False

 Next i

End Sub

Sub Change_PivotCashes_RangeName()

 Dim fs, S, A

    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set A = fs.CreateTextFile("c:\" & "temp.txt", True)

    A.writeline "Change Pivot Sources per Sheet - in File named : " & ActiveWorkbook.FullName & " : "


    A.writeline "*********** Prepared By Mohamed Taher *****************"




Dim x As String

x = InputBox("PLease enter the Pivot Source Range Name", "Range name selection for Pivots", "SalesVillas")

For j = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count


    A.writeline "Sheet named : " & Worksheets(j).Name

    A.writeline "================"

For k = 1 To Worksheets(j).PivotTables.Count

On Error GoTo errsub

 Dim y As String

 y = Worksheets(j).PivotTables(k).SourceData

 A.writeline "Before : " & y

     Worksheets(j).PivotTables(k).SourceData = Trim(x)

 A.writeline "After : " & Trim(x)


Next k

Next j



    Dim z

    z = Shell("notepad.exe c:\temp.txt", 1)

        Exit Sub


        MsgBox Str(Err.Number) + Err.Description + "Action is cancelled"

        'return original source

        Worksheets(j).PivotTables(k).SourceData = y

        Exit Sub

End Sub


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