mostafa_new قام بنشر مارس 31, 2007 قام بنشر مارس 31, 2007 السلام عليكم ورحة الله وبركاتة اذا سمحتم ارجو الاستفسار عن اختصار امتداد برنامج الاكسس mdb ( ما هي الكلمات باللغة اانجليزية ) والسالم عليكم اخوكم مصطفي
a1d قام بنشر مارس 31, 2007 قام بنشر مارس 31, 2007 MDB file extension format for Access Database (Microsoft)
a1d قام بنشر مارس 31, 2007 قام بنشر مارس 31, 2007 و هذة مسميات الامتدادت الاخري المهمة CSV Comma separated values ASCII files DB Borland Paradox DBF dBase and FoxPro DSN ODBC file data source that describes an ODBC driver to use. HTML Tables in web pages MDB Access 2000 and Access 97 UDL Microsoft Universal Data Link file that describes an OLE DB connection. WKx Lotus tables XLS Excel tables ADO.NET Data Sources A generic ADO.NET connection allowing use of a .NET .DLL assembly, provider class and connection string (parameters). ADO.NET ODBC Data Sources Connect using the standard Microsoft .NET ADO.NET provider for ODBC. ADO.NET OLE DB Data Sources Connect using the standard Microsoft .NET ADO.NET provider for OLE DB. ADO.NET Oracle Data Sources Connect using the standard Microsoft .NET ADO.NET provider for Oracle. ADO.NET SQL Server Data Sources Connect using the standard Microsoft .NET ADO.NET provider for SQL Server. ODBC Data Sources Connect to a data source using ODBC drivers installed on this system. OLE DB Data Sources Connect to an OLE DB data source using an OLE DB provider installed on this system. Oracle Data Sources Connect to an Oracle data sources using the Oracle Call Interface (OCI), the native Oracle interface for exchanging data. Using the native interface provides better performance and allows using features not exposed through generic database interfaces such as ODBC, OLE DB and ADO .NET. Exchanging data with Oracle data sources via OCI automatically maps geometry columns into Oracle SDO_GEOMETRY data.
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