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الخبير الفاضل Eng.Qassim

خالص الشكر لحضرتك ابدعت فى اجابة نصف طلبى فى انتظار ابداعات الخبراء الافاضل لحل النصف الاخر من طلبى

  • تمت الإجابة
قام بنشر

تفضل استاذ @jo_2010 هذا بالنسبة لطلبك الثاني

Private Sub Form_MouseWheel(ByVal Page As Boolean, ByVal Count As Long)
    On Error Resume Next
    If Not Me.Dirty Then
        If (Count < 0) And (Me.CurrentRecord > 1) Then
            DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious
        ElseIf (Count > 0) And (Me.CurrentRecord <= Me.Recordset.RecordCount) Then
            DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
        End If
        Dim parentForm As Form
        Dim labReqForm As Form
        Dim pnameValue As String
        Dim recordFound As Boolean
        Set parentForm = Me.Parent
        If parentForm.Controls("Lab_Patient").Form.CurrentView = 0 Then
            MsgBox "Lab_Patient subform is not open."
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Set labReqForm = parentForm.Controls("Lab_Sub_REQ").Form
        pnameValue = parentForm.Controls("Lab_Patient").Form.Controls("PNAME").Value
        labReqForm.Recordset.FindFirst "Pname = '" & pnameValue & "'"
        If Not labReqForm.Recordset.NoMatch Then
            labReqForm.Controls("Requests").BackColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
            recordFound = True
'            MsgBox "Record not found in Lab_Sub_REQ."
            recordFound = False
        End If
    End If
End Sub


LAB_GOOD 2.rar

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