hanyshaker83 قام بنشر فبراير 11, 2024 قام بنشر فبراير 11, 2024 السلام عليكم اخواني الاعزاء لدي كود VBA اريد شرح له ولو هناك احد من الاخوة يستطيع شرح وتعليم علي الملف الاصلي Option Explicit Private Const c_sDialogCommand As String = "fDialog" Const sResourcePrefix As String = "RES_" Private Const c_sAddinFolder As String = "Analysis" Private Const c_sXllName As String = "ANALYS32.XLL" Private Enum RegistrationTerm RegistrationAddIn = 1 RegistrationFunction = 2 End Enum 'Get Culture Private Function GetATPUICultureTag() As String Dim shTemp As Worksheet Dim sCulture As String Dim sSheetName As String sCulture = Application.International(xlUICultureTag) sSheetName = sResourcePrefix + sCulture On Error Resume Next Set shTemp = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sSheetName) On Error GoTo 0 If shTemp Is Nothing Then sCulture = GetFallbackTag(sCulture) GetATPUICultureTag = sCulture End Function 'Entry point for RibbonX button click Sub ShowATPDialog(control As IRibbonControl) Dim funcs As Variant funcs = Application.RegisteredFunctions If (IsNull(funcs)) Then 'XLL isn't open or didn't register for some reason Exit Sub End If Dim sPathSep As String sPathSep = Application.PathSeparator Dim sXllFullName As String sXllFullName = Application.LibraryPath & sPathSep & c_sAddinFolder & sPathSep & c_sXllName Dim fFoundCommand As Boolean fFoundCommand = False Dim iFuncNum As Integer For iFuncNum = LBound(funcs) To UBound(funcs) If (StrComp(funcs(iFuncNum, RegistrationFunction), c_sDialogCommand, vbTextCompare) = 0) Then fFoundCommand = StrComp(funcs(iFuncNum, RegistrationAddIn), sXllFullName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Exit For End If Next iFuncNum If (Not fFoundCommand) Then 'Dialog command isn't registered or is registered to the wrong XLL Exit Sub End If Application.Run (c_sDialogCommand) End Sub 'Callback for RibbonX button label Sub GetATPLabel(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef label) label = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sResourcePrefix + GetATPUICultureTag()).Range("RibbonCommand").Value End Sub 'Callback for screentip Public Sub GetATPScreenTip(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef label) label = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sResourcePrefix + GetATPUICultureTag()).Range("ScreenTip").Value End Sub 'Callback for Super Tip Public Sub GetATPSuperTip(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef label) label = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sResourcePrefix + GetATPUICultureTag()).Range("SuperTip").Value End Sub Public Sub GetGroupName(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef label) label = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sResourcePrefix + GetATPUICultureTag()).Range("GroupName").Value End Sub 'Check for Fallback Languages Private Function GetFallbackTag(szCulture As String) As String 'Sorted alphabetically by returned culture tag, then input culture tag Select Case (szCulture) Case "rm-CH" GetFallbackTag = "de-DE" Case "ca-ES", "ca-ES-valencia", "eu-ES", "gl-ES" GetFallbackTag = "es-ES" Case "lb-LU" GetFallbackTag = "fr-FR" Case "nn-NO" GetFallbackTag = "nb-NO" Case "be-BY", "ky-KG", "tg-Cyrl-TJ", "tt-RU", "uz-Latn-UZ" GetFallbackTag = "ru-RU" Case Else GetFallbackTag = "en-US" End Select End Function
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