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السلام عليكم, وبارك الله بجهودكم, وموفقين سلفا

سؤال إلى الأخوة الأفاضل:
لدي نص, أريد كل جملة تنتهي ب "النقطة"  تكون تلك الجملة في سطر واحد
لدي هذا النص:
As a result, farmers still got
enough water,

but the Little Aral started filling. Since 2005, the average
depth has increased
from 30 to 40 metres. The fish have

started to return. So has
the fishing industry.

A lot of money has saved a small
part of the Aral Sea.

But if those planners had thought
more carefully, perhaps

they would have killed the
project. If they had, this

environmental disaster
would never have happened!

اريده أن يكون بهذا الشكل:

As a result, farmers still got enough water, but the Little Aral started filling.
Since 2005, the average
depth has increased from 30 to 40 metres.
The fish have
started to return. So has the fishing industry.
A lot of money has saved a small part of the Aral Sea.
But if those planners had thought more carefully, perhaps they would have killed the project.
If they had, this
environmental disaster would never have happened!

ولكم خالص الدعاء, وجزيل الشكر 

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