اذهب الي المحتوي

يوجد خطأ في كود البحث _ عنوان معدل


الردود الموصى بها

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

عندى كود نمودج بحث يوجد خطا 

1 - هل هناك مكتبة غير موجوده 

ارجوا منكم مساعدها 

Option Compare Database
Dim Anim As clsFormAnimate
Private Sub cmd_exit_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_EXIT_Click


    Exit Sub

   Handle_Errors_ADO "", Err.Number, Err.DESCRIPTION
    Resume Exit_EXIT_Click
End Sub

Private Sub cmd_search_Click()
Dim str As String
Dim str_2 As String
Dim mth As Integer
Dim X
  If GENERAL.PRVCTRL.ControlType <> acComboBox Then
             If Me.FLDSRH <> "" Then
                                Select Case Me.srhtyp.Value
                                  Case "1"
                                            str = Me.FLDSRH & " = " & """" & Me.str & """"
                                            str_2 = Me.FLDSRH & " = " & Me.str
                                  Case "2"
                                            str = Me.FLDSRH & " LIKE " & """" & Me.str & "*"""
                                  Case "3"
                                            str = Me.FLDSRH & " LIKE " & """*" & Me.str & "*"""
                                  Case "4"
                                            str = Me.FLDSRH & " LIKE " & """*" & Me.str & """"
                                End Select
                           str = "1=1"
             End If
                 X = GENERAL.PRVCTRL.RowSource

                 X = GENERAL.PRVCTRL.Column(1)

                If Me.FLDSRH <> "" Then
                           Select Case Me.srhtyp.Value
                                  Case "1"
                                         str = Me.FLDSRH & " = " & """" & Me.str & """"
                                         str_2 = Me.FLDSRH & " = " & Me.str
                                  Case "2"
                                         str = Me.FLDSRH & " LIKE " & """" & Me.str & "*"""
                                  Case "3"
                                         str = Me.FLDSRH & " LIKE " & """*" & Me.str & "*"""
                                  Case "4"
                                         str = Me.FLDSRH & " LIKE " & """*" & Me.str & """"
                           End Select
                         str = "1=1"
                 End If

   End If

If IsNull(Me.srhtyp.Value) Then
  mth = 0
  mth = Me.srhtyp.Value
End If
DO_FIND str, str_2, mth
 DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm_find", acSaveYes
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim A As Integer

End Sub
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Set Anim = New clsFormAnimate
  '  Set Anim.AnimationForm = Me
  '  Anim.FormHeight = 2500
  '  Anim.FormWidth = 4900
  '  Anim.FormTop = 1000
  '  Anim.FormLeft = 100
   ' Comment out line below if you
   ' want Animation when closing the Form.
  '  Anim.NoCloseAnimation = True
   ' Uncomment if you do NOT want
   ' Animation when the Form opens
   'Anim.NoOpenAnimation = True
End Sub


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من فضلك سجل دخول لتتمكن من التعليق

ستتمكن من اضافه تعليقات بعد التسجيل

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