اذهب الي المحتوي

الردود الموصى بها

قام بنشر (معدل)

لقد قمت بعمل مديول لحساب الفرق بين تاريخين بالسنة و الشهر و الايام 

السنة في خانة 

الشهور في خانة 

الايام في خانة 

و قمت بالتجربة و ان شاء الله ناجحة 

و اليكم محتويات المديول للتجربة و كتابة الملاحظات لتعم الفائدة 

Function DatDiffY(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim year3 As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
    year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
    year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
            day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
If month2 < month1 Or day2 < day1 Then
    If (year2 - year1) - 1 < 0 Then
    DatDiffY = 0
    DatDiffY = (year2 - year1) - 1
    End If
    DatDiffY = year2 - year1
End If
End Function

Function DatDiffM(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim dateC1 As Date
    day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
    day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
            year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))
If month2 < month1 Or day2 < day1 Then
    If month2 < month1 And day2 > day1 Then
    month3 = month2 + 12
    DatDiffM = (month3 - month1)
    End If
    If month2 < month1 And day2 < day1 Then
    month3 = (month2 + 12) - 1
        If (month3 - month1) - 1 < 0 Then
        DatDiffM = 0
        DatDiffM = (month3 - month1)
        End If
    End If

    If month2 > month1 And day2 < day1 Then
    DatDiffM = (month2 - month1) - 1
    End If
DatDiffM = month2 - month1
End If

End Function

Function DatDiffD(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim year3 As Integer
Dim dateC1 As Date
    day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
    day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
            year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))

If day2 < day1 Then
month3 = month2 - 1
dateC1 = DateSerial(year2, month3, day1)
DatDiffD = DateDiff("d", dateC1, Vdate2)
DatDiffD = day2 - day1
End If
End Function

و هذه هي طريقة الاستدعاء 

Me.text3 = DatDiffY(Me.text1, Me.text2)
Me.text4 = DatDiffM(Me.text1, Me.text2)
Me.text5 = DatDiffD(Me.text1, Me.text2)

تم تعديل بواسطه ABOLO2
  • Thanks 1
قام بنشر (معدل)

شكرا لك أخي @ABOLO2 🙂  على هذا المجهود الطيب ..

ملاحظة :

جرب استخدام هذا الخيار من لوحة التنسيق لإرفاق الأكواد  image.png.ff87b361a9c8eac51ad3308f14fb7dce.png

وستظهر لك بهذه الطريقة المنظمة والجميلة 🙂 :

Sub test()
 هذه هي طريقة الاستدعاء
Debug.Print DatDiffY(#1/1/2020#, Date)  ' السنوات
Debug.Print DatDiffM(#1/1/2020#, Date)  ' الأشهر
Debug.Print DatDiffD(#1/1/2020#, Date)  ' الأيام

End Sub

Function DatDiffY(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim year3 As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
    year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
    year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
            day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
If month2 < month1 Or day2 < day1 Then
    If (year2 - year1) - 1 < 0 Then
    DatDiffY = 0
    DatDiffY = (year2 - year1) - 1
    End If
    DatDiffY = year2 - year1
End If
End Function

Function DatDiffM(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim dateC1 As Date
    day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
    day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
            year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))
If month2 < month1 Or day2 < day1 Then
    If month2 < month1 And day2 > day1 Then
    month3 = month2 + 12
    DatDiffM = (month3 - month1)
    End If
    If month2 < month1 And day2 < day1 Then
    month3 = (month2 + 12) - 1
        If (month3 - month1) - 1 < 0 Then
        DatDiffM = 0
        DatDiffM = (month3 - month1)
        End If
    End If

    If month2 > month1 And day2 < day1 Then
    DatDiffM = (month2 - month1) - 1
    End If
DatDiffM = month2 - month1
End If

End Function

Function DatDiffD(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim year3 As Integer
Dim dateC1 As Date
    day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
    day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
            year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))

If day2 < day1 Then
month3 = month2 - 1
dateC1 = DateSerial(year2, month3, day1)
DatDiffD = DateDiff("d", dateC1, Vdate2)
DatDiffD = day2 - day1
End If
End Function


تم تعديل بواسطه Moosak
  • Thanks 1
قام بنشر
1 ساعه مضت, Moosak said:

شكرا لك أخي @ABOLO2 🙂  على هذا المجهود الطيب ..

ملاحظة :

جرب استخدام هذا الخيار من لوحة التنسيق لإرفاق الأكواد  image.png.ff87b361a9c8eac51ad3308f14fb7dce.png

وستظهر لك بهذه الطريقة المنظمة والجميلة 🙂 :

Sub test()
 هذه هي طريقة الاستدعاء
Debug.Print DatDiffY(#1/1/2020#, Date)  ' السنوات
Debug.Print DatDiffM(#1/1/2020#, Date)  ' الأشهر
Debug.Print DatDiffD(#1/1/2020#, Date)  ' الأيام

End Sub

Function DatDiffY(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim year3 As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
    year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
    year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
            day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
If month2 < month1 Or day2 < day1 Then
    If (year2 - year1) - 1 < 0 Then
    DatDiffY = 0
    DatDiffY = (year2 - year1) - 1
    End If
    DatDiffY = year2 - year1
End If
End Function

Function DatDiffM(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim dateC1 As Date
    day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
    day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
            year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))
If month2 < month1 Or day2 < day1 Then
    If month2 < month1 And day2 > day1 Then
    month3 = month2 + 12
    DatDiffM = (month3 - month1)
    End If
    If month2 < month1 And day2 < day1 Then
    month3 = (month2 + 12) - 1
        If (month3 - month1) - 1 < 0 Then
        DatDiffM = 0
        DatDiffM = (month3 - month1)
        End If
    End If

    If month2 > month1 And day2 < day1 Then
    DatDiffM = (month2 - month1) - 1
    End If
DatDiffM = month2 - month1
End If

End Function

Function DatDiffD(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim year3 As Integer
Dim dateC1 As Date
    day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
    day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
            year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))

If day2 < day1 Then
month3 = month2 - 1
dateC1 = DateSerial(year2, month3, day1)
DatDiffD = DateDiff("d", dateC1, Vdate2)
DatDiffD = day2 - day1
End If
End Function


تسلم استاذي موسي 

اشكرك شكرا جزيلا

قام بنشر

الكود بعد التعديل 


Function DatDiffY(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim year3 As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
    year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
    year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
            day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
If month2 < month1 Or day2 < day1 Then
    If (year2 - year1) - 1 < 0 Then
    DatDiffY = 0
    DatDiffY = (year2 - year1) - 1
    End If
    DatDiffY = year2 - year1
End If
End Function

Function DatDiffM(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim dateC1 As Date
    day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
    day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
            year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))
If month2 < month1 Or day2 < day1 Then
    If month2 < month1 And day2 >= day1 Then
    month3 = month2 + 12
    DatDiffM = (month3 - month1)
    End If
    If month2 < month1 And day2 < day1 Then
    month3 = (month2 + 12) - 1
        If (month3 - month1) - 1 < 0 Then
        DatDiffM = 0
        DatDiffM = (month3 - month1)
        End If
    End If

    If month2 > month1 And day2 < day1 Then
    DatDiffM = (month2 - month1) - 1
    End If
DatDiffM = month2 - month1
End If

End Function

Function DatDiffD(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim year3 As Integer
Dim dateC1 As Date
    day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
    day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
            year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))

If day2 < day1 Then
month3 = month2 - 1
dateC1 = DateSerial(year2, month3, day1)
DatDiffD = DateDiff("d", dateC1, Vdate2)
DatDiffD = day2 - day1
End If
End Function


  • 4 weeks later...
قام بنشر

للاسف المديول السابق كان فيه اخطاء في السنة و الايام كان فيهم اخطاء 

و عدلته الي الاتي

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Function DatDiffY(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim year3 As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
    year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
    year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
            day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
If month2 < month1 Or day2 < day1 Then
    If month2 < month1 And day2 < day1 Then
        If (year2 - year1) - 1 < 0 Then
        DatDiffY = 0
        DatDiffY = (year2 - year1) - 1
        Debug.Print DatDiffY
        End If
    End If

    If month2 < month1 And day2 > day1 Then
        If (year2 - year1) - 1 < 0 Then
        DatDiffY = 0
        DatDiffY = (year2 - year1) - 1
        Debug.Print DatDiffY
        End If
    End If

    DatDiffY = year2 - year1
End If
End Function

Function DatDiffM(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim dateC1 As Date
    day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
    day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
            year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))
If month2 < month1 Or day2 < day1 Then
    If month2 < month1 And day2 >= day1 Then
    month3 = month2 + 12
    DatDiffM = (month3 - month1)
    End If

    If month2 < month1 And day2 < day1 Then
    month3 = (month2 + 12) - 1
        If (month3 - month1) - 1 < 0 Then
        DatDiffM = 0
        DatDiffM = (month3 - month1)
        End If
    End If

    If month2 > month1 And day2 < day1 Then
    month3 = month2 - 1
    DatDiffM = (month3 - month1)
    End If

DatDiffM = month2 - month1
End If

End Function

Function DatDiffD(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
Dim tt As Integer
Dim yy As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim year3 As Integer
Dim dateC1 As Date
    day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
    day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
            year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))
If day2 < day1 Then
tt = DateSerial(year1, month1 + 1, "1") - Vdate1
yy = Vdate2 - DateSerial(year2, month2, "1")
DatDiffD = tt + yy
DatDiffD = day2 - day1
End If
End Function


قام بنشر

اخر تعديل بأذن الله 😂

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Function DatDiffY(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim year3 As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
    year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
    year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
            day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
If month2 < month1 Or day2 < day1 Then
    If month2 < month1 And day2 < day1 Then
        If (year2 - year1) - 1 < 0 Then
        DatDiffY = 0
        DatDiffY = (year2 - year1) - 1
        End If
    End If

    If month2 < month1 And day2 > day1 Then
        If (year2 - year1) - 1 < 0 Then
        DatDiffY = 0
        DatDiffY = (year2 - year1) - 1
        End If
    End If

    DatDiffY = year2 - year1
End If
End Function

Function DatDiffM(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim dateC1 As Date
    day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
    day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
            year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))
If month2 < month1 Or day2 < day1 Then
    If month2 < month1 And day2 >= day1 Then
    month3 = month2 + 12
    DatDiffM = (month3 - month1)
    End If

    If month2 < month1 And day2 < day1 Then
    month3 = (month2 + 12) - 1
        If (month3 - month1) - 1 < 0 Then
        DatDiffM = 0
        DatDiffM = (month3 - month1)
        End If
    End If

    If month2 > month1 And day2 < day1 Then
    month3 = month2 - 1
    DatDiffM = (month3 - month1)
    End If

DatDiffM = month2 - month1
End If

End Function

Function DatDiffD(Vdate1 As Date, Vdate2 As Date) As Integer

Dim day1 As Integer
Dim day2 As Integer
Dim tt As Integer
Dim yy As Integer
Dim uu As Date
Dim month1 As Integer
Dim month2 As Integer
Dim month3 As Integer
Dim year1 As Integer
Dim year2 As Integer
Dim year3 As Integer
Dim dateC1 As Date
    day1 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate1))
    day2 = Int(DatePart("d", Vdate2))
        month1 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate1))
        month2 = Int(DatePart("m", Vdate2))
            year1 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate1))
            year2 = Int(DatePart("yyyy", Vdate2))
If day2 < day1 Then
uu = (DateSerial(year1, month1 + 1, "1") - 1)
tt = uu - Vdate1
yy = Vdate2 - DateSerial(year2, month2, "1")
If yy = 0 Then
yy = 1
End If
DatDiffD = tt + yy
DatDiffD = day2 - day1
End If
End Function


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