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Custom Search

مساعدة كود ربط قاعدة البيانات الأكسيس مع html

الردود الموصى بها

وعليكم السلام أخي عبد القدوس 🙂 

وجدت لك هذا الكود .. ولم أجربه .. لعله يفيدك :


'****************SELECTING A FILE LOCATION****************

'ATTENTION: YOU MUST go to Tools->References and select 'Microsoft Office X.X object Library' for
'the FileDialog function to work properly

Dim retFile As String, dlg As Variant, s As String

Set dlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
With dlg
    'This is the title of the browser window you will use to select the file path.
    .Title = "Select a Latitude Longitude Snapshot File"
    .AllowMultiSelect = False
    ' Name and select the file type. *.* will show all file types
    .Filters.Add "Snapshot files", "*.html"
    ' The initial file name can be anything you choose, the example below will start you at the root of your "C" drive
    '    .InitialFileName = "c:\"

If .Show = -1 Then s = .SelectedItems(1)
End With

If s <> "" Then
'*** retFile stores the full path to the selected file ***
retFile = s
End If

'*** Linking the Acess DB to the HTML datasheet ***
'*** Once the link is complete, it will display in access as a table. Following we declare a tab name. ***
Dim tabName As String
tabName = "LatLon"
DoCmd.TransferText acLinkHTML, , tabName, retFile, -1

:: المصدر ::

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