اذهب الي المحتوي

الردود الموصى بها

قام بنشر

أريد الحصول على ملف أو دالة تحويل الأرقام إلى حروف بالدينار الجزائري باللغة الفرنسية 

بارك الله فيكم 

قام بنشر (معدل)

وجدت لك هذه الدالة أخي هيجو 🙂 

Public Function Chiffrelettre(s)
Dim a As Variant, gros As Variant
a = Array("", "un", "deux", "trois", "quatre", "cinq", "six", "sept", _
"huit", "neuf", "dix", "onze", "douze", "treize", "quatorze", "quinze", "seize", "dix sept", _
"dix huit", "dix neuf", "vingt", "vingt et un", "vingt deux", "vingt trois", "vingt quatre", _
"vingt cinq", "vingt six", "vingt sept", "vingt huit", "vingt neuf", "trente", "trente et un", _
"trente deux", "trente trois", "trente quatre", "trente cinq", "trente six", "trente sept", _
"trente huit", "trente neuf", "quarante", "quarante et un", "quarante deux", "quarante trois", _
"quarante quatre", "quarante cinq", "quarante six", "quarante sept", "quarante huit", _
"quarante neuf", "cinquante", "cinquante et un", "cinquante deux", "cinquante trois", _
"cinquante quatre", "cinquante cinq", "cinquante six", "cinquante sept", "cinquante huit", _
"cinquante neuf", "soixante", "soixante et un", "soixante deux", "soixante trois", _
"soixante quatre", "soixante cinq", "soixante six", "soixante sept", "soixante huit", _
"soixante neuf", "soixante dix", "soixante et onze", "soixante douze", "soixante treize", _
"soixante quatorze", "soixante quinze", "soixante seize", "soixante dix sept", _
"soixante dix huit", "soixante dix neuf", "quatre-vingts", "quatre-vingt un", _
"quatre-vingt deux", "quatre-vingt trois", "quatre-vingt quatre", "quatre-vingt cinq", _
"quatre-vingt six", "quatre-vingt sept", "quatre-vingt huit", "quatre-vingt neuf", _
"quatre-vingt dix", "quatre-vingt onze", "quatre-vingt douze", "quatre-vingt treize", _
"quatre-vingt quatorze", "quatre-vingt quinze", "quatre-vingt seize", "quatre-vingt dix sept", _
"quatre-vingt dix huit", "quatre-vingt dix neuf")
gros = Array("", "billions", "milliards", "millions", "mille", "Dirhams", "billion", _
"milliard", "million", "mille", "Dirhams")
sp = Space(1)
chaine = "00000000000000"
centime = s * 100 - (Int(s) * 100)
s = Str(Int(s)): lg = Len(s) - 1: s = Right(s, lg): lg = Len(s)
If lg < 15 Then chaine = Mid(chaine, 1, (15 - lg)) Else chaine = ""
s = chaine + s
'billions au centaines
gp = 1
For k = 1 To 5
x = Mid(s, gp, 1): C = a(Val(x))
x = Mid(s, gp + 1, 2): D = a(Val(x))
If k = 5 Then
If t2 <> "" And C & D = "" Then mydz = "Euros" & sp: GoTo fin
If t <> "" And C = "" And D = "un" Then mydz = "un Euros" & sp: GoTo fin
If t <> "" And t2 = "" And C & D = "" Then mydz = "d'Euros" & sp: GoTo fin
If t & C & D = "" Then myct = "": mydz = "": GoTo fin
End If
If C & D = "" Then GoTo fin
If D = "" And C <> "" And C <> "un" Then mydz = C & sp & "cents " & gros(k) & sp: GoTo fin
If D = "" And C = "un" Then mydz = "cent " & gros(k) & sp: GoTo fin
If D = "un" And C = "" Then myct = IIf(k = 4, gros(k) & sp, "un " & gros(k + 5) & sp): GoTo fin
If D <> "" And C = "un" Then mydz = "cent" & sp
If D <> "" And C <> "" And C <> "un" Then mydz = C & sp & "cent" + sp
myct = D & sp & gros(k) & sp
t2 = mydz & myct
t = t & mydz & myct
mydz = "": myct = ""
gp = gp + 3
D = a(centime)
If t <> "" Then myct = IIf(centime = 1, " centime", " centimes")
If t = "" Then myct = IIf(centime = 1, " centime d'Euro", " centimes d'Euro")
If centime = 0 Then D = "": myct = ""
Chiffrelettre = t & D & myct
End Function

ولكن تأكد من تعطيل خيار Option Explicit لأن في الكود الكثير من المتغيرات الغير معرفة .. 😅🖐🏼️

تم تعديل بواسطه Moosak
قام بنشر

وهذه أخرى :


Function ConversionHeures(Nombre As Integer) As String

    If Nombre = 0 Or Nombre = 24 Then
        ConversionHeures = "Minuit "
         Exit Function
        ElseIf Nombre = 12 Then
        ConversionHeures = "Midi "
        Exit Function
    End If

    Const stEspace As String = " "
    Dim Varnum, VarnumD, VarnumU, Resultat, Varlet

    Static Chiffre(1 To 19)
    Chiffre(1) = "une"
    Chiffre(2) = "deux"
    Chiffre(3) = "trois"
    Chiffre(4) = "quatre"
    Chiffre(5) = "cinq"
    Chiffre(6) = "six"
    Chiffre(7) = "sept"
    Chiffre(8) = "huit"
    Chiffre(9) = "neuf"
    Chiffre(10) = "dix"
    Chiffre(11) = "onze"
    Chiffre(12) = "douze"
    Chiffre(13) = "treize"
    Chiffre(14) = "quatorze"
    Chiffre(15) = "quinze"
    Chiffre(16) = "seize"
    Chiffre(17) = "dix-sept"
    Chiffre(18) = "dix-huit"
    Chiffre(19) = "dix-neuf"

    Static dizaine(1 To 9, 1 To 5)
    dizaine(1, 1) = "dix"
    dizaine(2, 1) = "vingt"
    dizaine(3, 1) = "trente"
    dizaine(4, 1) = "quarante"
    dizaine(5, 1) = "cinquante"
    dizaine(6, 1) = "soixante"
    dizaine(7, 1) = "soixante"
    dizaine(8, 1) = "quatre-vingt"
    dizaine(9, 1) = "quatre-vingt"

    Resultat = ""
    Varnum = Int(Nombre) Mod 1000
    If Varnum > 0 Then
        GoSub centaine_dizaine
        Resultat = Resultat + " " + Varlet
    End If
    Resultat = LTrim(Resultat)
    Varlet = Right$(Resultat, 4)
    'traitement du "s" final pour vingt et cent
    Select Case Varlet
        Case "cent", "ingt"
            Resultat = Resultat + "s"
    End Select

    Resultat = Resultat + stEspace
    'renvoi du résultat de la fonction et fin de la fonction
    ConversionHeures = Replace(Resultat, "  ", " ")
    Exit Function

    'sous programme
    Varlet = ""

    'traitement des centaines
    If Varnum >= 100 Then
        Varlet = Chiffre(Int(Varnum / 100))
        Varnum = Varnum Mod 100
        If Varlet = "un" Then
            Varlet = "cent "
            Varlet = Varlet + " cent "
        End If
    End If

    'traitement des dizaines
        If Varnum <= 19 Then
            If Varnum > 0 Then: Varlet = Varlet + Chiffre(Varnum)
            VarnumD = Int(Varnum / 10)
            VarnumU = Varnum Mod 10
            Varlet = Varlet + dizaine(VarnumD, 1)
            If VarnumU = 1 And VarnumD < 8 Then
                Varlet = Varlet + " et "
                If VarnumU <> 0 Or VarnumD = 7 Or VarnumD = 9 Then: Varlet = Varlet & " "
            End If
            If VarnumD = 7 Or VarnumD = 9 Then: VarnumU = VarnumU + 10
            If VarnumU <> 0 Then: Varlet = Varlet + Chiffre(VarnumU)
        End If
        Varlet = Trim(Varlet)
End Function


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