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يوجد لدي 6 مربعات للتحرير والسرد أول 3 مربعات أمورهن طيبة ويعملن بكفائة (cmbsection-cmbtype-cmbsystemS)  أريد إضافة المربعات 3 المتبقية (cmbBRANDS-CMBMODELS-cmbclass) إلى كود المتغيراتWORK_2021_08.03_20h04m25s_001_.jpg.72a5073bbfdd97fff9f9bca0ce224033.jpg

Public Sub choixemp()

Dim sql As String, sql1 As String, ss As String, sqf As String
sql1 = "update Q1 set choix=true "

If (IsNull(cmbsection)) And (IsNull(cmbtype)) And (IsNull(CmbsystemS)) Then
sql = "update Q1 set choix=true "

ElseIf (Not (IsNull(cmbsection))) And (Not (IsNull(cmbtype))) And (Not (IsNull(CmbsystemS))) Then
sql = "update Q1 set choix=true where type= '" & cmbtype & "' and ids= " & cmbsection & " and SystemS like '" & CmbsystemS & "*'"

ElseIf (IsNull(cmbsection)) And (IsNull(CmbsystemS)) Then
sql = "update Q1 set choix=true where type='" & cmbtype & "' "

ElseIf (IsNull(cmbtype)) And (IsNull(CmbsystemS)) Then
sql = "update Q1 set choix=true where ids= " & cmbsection

ElseIf (IsNull(cmbtype)) And (IsNull(cmbsection)) Then
sql = "update Q1 set choix=true where SystemS like '" & CmbsystemS & "*'"

ElseIf (IsNull(cmbtype)) Then
sql = "update Q1 set choix=true where SystemS like '" & CmbsystemS & "*' and ids= " & cmbsection

ElseIf (IsNull(CmbsystemS)) Then
sql = "update Q1 set choix=true where type= '" & cmbtype & "' and ids= " & cmbsection

ElseIf (IsNull(cmbsection)) Then
sql = "update Q1 set choix=true where type= '" & cmbtype & "' and SystemS like '" & CmbsystemS & "*'"

End If

DoCmd.RunSQL sql

End Sub

Public Sub listeemp(xx As String)

Dim sql As String, sql1 As String, ss As String, sqf As String
sql1 = "select * from " & xx & " "

If (IsNull(cmbsection)) And (IsNull(cmbtype)) And (IsNull(CmbsystemS)) Then
sql = "select * from " & xx & " "

ElseIf (Not (IsNull(cmbsection))) And (Not (IsNull(cmbtype))) And (Not (IsNull(CmbsystemS))) Then
sql = "select * from " & xx & " where type= '" & cmbtype & "' and ids= " & cmbsection & " and SystemS like '" & CmbsystemS & "*'"

ElseIf (IsNull(cmbsection)) And (IsNull(CmbsystemS)) Then
sql = "select * from " & xx & " where type='" & cmbtype & "' "

ElseIf (IsNull(cmbtype)) And (IsNull(CmbsystemS)) Then
sql = "select * from " & xx & " where ids= " & cmbsection

ElseIf (IsNull(cmbtype)) And (IsNull(cmbsection)) Then
sql = "select * from " & xx & " where SystemS like '" & CmbsystemS & "*'"

ElseIf (IsNull(cmbtype)) Then
sql = "select * from " & xx & " where SystemS like '" & CmbsystemS & "*' and ids= " & cmbsection

ElseIf (IsNull(CmbsystemS)) Then
sql = "select * from " & xx & " where type= '" & cmbtype & "' and ids= " & cmbsection

ElseIf (IsNull(cmbsection)) Then
sql = "select * from " & xx & " where type= '" & cmbtype & "' and SystemS like '" & CmbsystemS & "*'"

End If

Me.RecordSource = sql
DoCmd.RunSQL "update EMPDEV set choix =false"
choix1.Value = False
lblselect.Caption = "تحديد الكل"

End Sub


IT_v24_fe - Copy_0001.rar

قام بنشر

رفع الله مقامكم كما رفع الســــــــماء ..وتقبل منكم الصلاة والدعاء ..ووســـــع رزقكم عدد مانزل من الماء ... وطوى صحائف أعمالكم نقية بيضاء

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