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Option Explicit

Function Elctric(Sm, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7)
Dim x#
 If Sm <= 0 Then
 Elctric = 9
 Exit Function
 End If
 Select Case Sm
  Case Is < 50: x = (50 - Sm) * n1
  Case Is < 100: x = 50 * n1 + (Sm - 50) * n2
  Case Is < 200: x = 50 * n1 + 50 * n2 + (Sm - 100) * n3
  Case Is < 350: x = 50 * n1 + 50 * n2 + 100 * n3 + _
           (Sm - 200) * n4
  Case Is < 650: x = 50 * n1 + 50 * n2 + 100 * n3 + _
            200 * n4 + (Sm - 350) * n5
  Case Is < 1000: x = 50 * n1 + 50 * n2 + 100 * n3 + _
            200 * n4 + 350 * n5 + (Sm - 650) * n6
  Case Else: x = 50 * n1 + 50 * n2 + 100 * n3 + _
            200 * n4 + 350 * n5 + 650 * n6 + (Sm - 1000) * n7
 End Select
 Elctric = x
End Function

الملف مرفق


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كهرباء 07-2021.xlsx
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