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قام بنشر

حضرتك ملك من ملوك الاكسيل سليم حاصبيا تسلم وتعيش بس احتاج عدم استدعاء السطر كله اذا كان هنا اى رقم سالب 

كأن السطر مش موجود فهمنى اخى واشكرك من قلبى اخى الرائع سليم الغالى

حبى وشكرى


  • تمت الإجابة
قام بنشر

جربي هذا الكود

Option Explicit
Sub Salim_Code_Only_Positive()
      Rem    <<<< Created By Salim Hasbaya On 27/7/2020 >>>>
 Dim a()
 Dim Sh As Worksheet, D As Worksheet
 Dim m%, k%, x%, t%
 Dim Rg As Range, XX%, cnt%
 Dim dat1 As Date, dat2 As Date
 Dim Itm, cel As Range
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
k = 1
 Set D = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("DataReport")
 D.Range("A2:k" & Rows.Count).Clear
      If Not IsDate(D.Range("M2")) Or _
          Not IsDate(D.Range("M2")) Then
           MsgBox "Wrong dates in cells M1 Or N2"
          GoTo Leave_me_Olone
      End If
 dat1 = Application.Min(D.Range("M2:N2"))
 dat2 = Application.Max(D.Range("M2:N2"))

  For Each Sh In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
   If Sh.Name <> D.Name And Sh.Tab.Color = 5287936 Then
    ReDim Preserve a(1 To k): a(k) = Sh.Name: k = k + 1
 End If
  m = 2: k = 2
 For Each Itm In a
  Set Sh = Sheets(Itm)
   x = Sh.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(3).Row
   Sh.Cells(6, 1).Resize(x - 5, 10).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
    For t = 6 To x
      If Sh.Cells(t, 1) >= dat1 And Sh.Cells(t, 1) <= dat2 Then
      For XX = 3 To 10
       If Sh.Cells(t, XX) < 0 Then
       cnt = cnt + 1
       Exit For
       End If
      Next XX
      If cnt = 0 Then
        If Rg Is Nothing Then
         Set Rg = Sh.Cells(t, 1).Resize(, 10)
         Set Rg = Union(Rg, Sh.Cells(t, 1).Resize(, 10))
        End If
      End If
    End If
    cnt = 0
    Next t
   If Not Rg Is Nothing Then
       D.Cells(m, 1) = Rg.Parent.Name
       Rg.Copy D.Cells(m, 2)
       Rg.Interior.ColorIndex = 27
      m = D.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(3).Row + 3

      D.Cells(m - 2, 1) = "Totat"
      D.Cells(m - 2, 4).Resize(, 8).Formula = _
      "=SUM(D" & k & ":D" & m - 3 & ")"
      D.Cells(m - 1, 3).Resize(, 10).Value = _
      D.Cells(1, "C").Resize(, 10).Value
      D.Cells(m - 2, 1).Resize(, 11).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
      D.Cells(m - 1, 1).Resize(, 11).Interior.ColorIndex = 40
      k = m
   End If
   Set Rg = Nothing
 Next Itm
  D.Cells(m, 1) = "Sum off All"
  D.Cells(m, 4).Resize(, 8).Formula = _
  "=SUM(D2:D" & m - 1 & ")/2"
  D.Cells(m, 1).Resize(, 11).Interior.ColorIndex = 39
  D.Cells(m - 1, 1).EntireRow.Delete
 Set Rg = D.Range("A2").CurrentRegion
  If Rg.Rows.Count > 1 Then
   Set Rg = Rg.Offset(1).Resize(Rg.Rows.Count - 1)
    With Rg
     .Borders.LineStyle = 1
     .InsertIndent 1
     .Font.Bold = True
     .Font.Size = 14
     .Value = .Value
    End With
  End If
  Set Sh = Nothing: Set D = Nothing
  Set Rg = Nothing: Erase a
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

الملف مرفق



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قام بنشر

تسلم لى ايدك وعينك يارب يحفظك ان شاء الله موفق دائما

كل حبى وشكرى من قلبى ربنا ما يحرمنى منك ابداااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا

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