Mohamed 188 قام بنشر يوليو 26, 2020 قام بنشر يوليو 26, 2020 يعطى لون اصفر على السطر (fc = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(.Range("C2:C5000"), invs, .Range("B2:B5000"), invn Private Sub CmdSearchHaraka_Click() ThisWorkbook.Activate With Sheet02 invs = Me.ComboBox4.Value invn = Me.TextBox10.Value If invs = "" Or invn = "" Then: MsgBox "اختر نوع الحركة او اكتب رقم الحركة ", vbCritical, "FADEL NASSER ": Exit Sub (fc = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(.Range("C2:C5000"), invs, .Range("B2:B5000"), invn If fc < 1 Then: MsgBox " رقم الحركة هذا غير موجود فضلا تاكد من الرقم ", vbCritical, "FADEL NASSER " _ : Me.TextBox10.Value = "": Me.TextBox10.SetFocus: Exit Sub Application.ScreenUpdating = False .Range("$C$1:$I$2").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=invs .Range("$B$1:$1$2").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=invn lastrow = .Range("B5000").End(xlUp).row .Range("$A$2:$I$2").AutoFilter Me.TextBox2.Text = .Cells(lastrow, "A").Value 'date Me.TextBox2.Text = Format(Me.TextBox2.Text, "yyyy/mm/dd") 'f date Me.TextBox1.Value = .Cells(lastrow, "B").Value 'invn Me.ComboBox5 = .Cells(lastrow, "C").Value 'invs Me.ComboBox1.Value = .Cells(lastrow, "D") 'customer Me.ComboBox6.Text = .Cells(lastrow, "E") 'wazalik Me.TextBox3.Text = .Cells(lastrow, "F") 'mandob name Me.Label24.Caption = .Cells(lastrow, "G") 'payment method Me.TextBox7.Text = .Cells(lastrow, "H") 'bank name Me.TextBox6.Text = .Cells(lastrow, "I") 'shiak _no If invs = shSupport.Range("j3").Value _ Or invs = shSupport.Range("j2").Value Then Me.TextBox3.Text = .Cells(lastrow, "F") 'madfoaat sanad Me.TextBox6.Value = .Cells(lastrow, "E") 'khasm ElseIf invs = shSupport.Range("J1").Value _ Or invs = shSupport.Range("J1").Value Then Me.TextBox3.Value = .Cells(lastrow, "F") 'discount bai3 and shera2 End If End With If Me.Label24.Caption = shSupport.Range("J4").Value Then OptionButton3.Value = True If Me.Label24.Caption = shSupport.Range("J5").Value Then OptionButton4.Value = True If Me.Label24.Caption = shSupport.Range("J6").Value Then OptionButton5.Value = True Me.ComboBox5.Enabled = False Me.TextBox1.Enabled = False Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub 01-00001.xlsm
تمت الإجابة علي المصري قام بنشر يوليو 27, 2020 تمت الإجابة قام بنشر يوليو 27, 2020 جرب هذا التعديل fc = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(Sheet13.Range("C2:C5000"), invs, Sheet13.Range("B2:B5000"), invn) 1
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