hema_elgendy قام بنشر مايو 11, 2020 قام بنشر مايو 11, 2020 السلام عليكم كنت محتاج يا شباب جملة برمجة vba مطابقة للدالة xlookup بنفس مدخلتها لوضعها فى اى اصدار للاوفس بحيث تكون بديلة عن الدالة الاساسية المستخدمة فى اوفس 365 .
تمت الإجابة Ali Mohamed Ali قام بنشر مايو 11, 2020 تمت الإجابة قام بنشر مايو 11, 2020 وعليكم السلام -على الرغم انك لم تقم برفع ملف موضح فيه كل المطلوب الا انك يمكنك استخدام هذا Public Function XLookup(ByVal vTable As Variant, _ ByVal vResult As Variant, _ ParamArray vKeyVals() As Variant) As Variant Const cRoutine As String = "XLookup" Dim oLo As ListObject 'Table containing data Dim vKeys As Variant 'vKeyVals internal version Dim sCol As String 'Column Address Range to search Dim vKey As Variant 'Key(s) to find in Column(s) Dim lKey As Long 'Current key Dim lRow As Long 'Found Row Dim lCol As Long 'Found Column Dim sAddTxt As String 'Additional Error Text ' Error Handling Initialization On Error GoTo ErrHandler Set XLookup = Nothing ' Check Inputs and Requisites ' Table Select Case TypeName(vTable) Case Is = "ListObject": Set oLo = vTable Case Is = "Range": Set oLo = vTable.ListObject Case Else: Set oLo = ActiveSheet.Evaluate(vTable).ListObject End Select ' Return Column If TypeName(vResult) = "Range" Then vResult = vResult.Value2 ' Search Keys If UBound(vKeyVals) = -1 Then Err.Raise DspError, , "#Key(s) required" ' When called by VBA, ParamArrays sometimes are stuffed in the first element If IsArray(vKeyVals(LBound(vKeyVals))) Then _ vKeys = vKeyVals(LBound(vKeyVals)) Else _ vKeys = vKeyVals ' Procedure With oLo If Not .DataBodyRange Is Nothing Then ' Just 1 key - Use Worksheet.Function because it is fastest w/1 Key If LBound(vKeys) = UBound(vKeys) Then vKey = vKeys(UBound(vKeys)) If IsNumeric(vKey) Then vKey = CDbl(vKey) lRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match( _ vKey, _ .ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange, _ 0) ' More than 1 key - Use Worksheet.Evaluation because it is fastest w/multiple keys Else ' Concatenate Key Values and Search Column Addresses For lKey = LBound(vKeys) To UBound(vKeys) lCol = lCol + 1 sCol = IIf(sCol <> vbNullString, sCol & " & ", vbNullString) & _ .ListColumns(lCol).DataBodyRange.Address ' Determine Key Value If TypeName(vKeys(lKey)) = "Range" Then _ vKey = vKey & vKeys(lKey).Value2 Else _ If IsDate(vKeys(lKey)) Then _ vKey = vKey & CLng(vKeys(lKey)) Else _ vKey = vKey & vKeys(lKey) Next ' Find Row # by Evaluating MATCH within the Table's worksheet lRow = .Parent.Evaluate("=Match(""" & vKey & """," & sCol & ",0)") End If ' Get Column # lCol = .ListColumns(vResult).Index ' Return result Set XLookup = .ListRows(lRow).Range(lCol) End If End With ErrHandler: If Err.Number > 0 Then ' Create sAddTxt (Additional Error Text) if needed Select Case Err.Number Case Is = 9: sAddTxt = "Column " & vResult & " not found in " & oLo.Name Case Is = 13, 1004: sAddTxt = "Key(s) " & Join(vKeys, ",") & " not found" Case Is = 424: sAddTxt = "Table not found" End Select ' Customize Errors based on UDF of VBA caller If TypeName(Application.Caller) = "Range" Then 'Called from UDF MLookup = CVErr(xlErrRef) Debug.Print cRoutine & ":" & Err.Description & vbLf & sAddTxt Else 'Called from VBA (most likely) Select Case Err.Number Case Is = 13, 1004: 'Key(s) not found. Log Error Debug.Print cRoutine & Err.Description & vbLf & sAddTxt Case Else: 'Pop Up Error Message Select Case DspErrMsg(cModule & "." & cRoutine, sAddTxt) Case Is = vbAbort: Stop: Resume 'Debug mode - Trace Case Is = vbRetry: Resume 'Try again Case Is = vbIgnore: 'End routine End Select End Select End If End If End Function أو يمكنك مشاهدة هذا الرابط Custom Excel XLOOKUP Function أو هذا الرابط UDF: XLOOKUP – Using VLOOKUP for left AND right searches وهذا ايضا فيديو للشرح https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tbqh4_HcUlI 5 1
أحمد يوسف قام بنشر مايو 11, 2020 قام بنشر مايو 11, 2020 hema_elgendy انت فين من ده كله اين الضغط على الإعجاب لكل هذه الإجابات الرائعة ؟!!!💙
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