mohamed322 قام بنشر مايو 6, 2020 قام بنشر مايو 6, 2020 لديا أكسيل متحول من الأوركل أريد أن أسحبه الى أكسيل أخر أوتومتيك عملت الكود ده بس المشكلة انة لازم أضعه فى نفس المكان أريد تعديله ليسحبه من أى مكان Sub الأهلى() ' ' الأهلى Macro ' ' Sheets("البنك الأهلى").Select Workbooks.OpenText Filename:= _ "E:\kokt\Private\test\محاولات\ترحيل\البنك الأهلى.xls", Origin:=1256, _ StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, _ ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False _ , Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), _ Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, 1), Array(6, 1), Array(7, 1), Array(8, 1), Array(9, 1), _ Array(10, 1), Array(11, 1), Array(12, 1), Array(13, 1), Array(14, 1), Array(15, 1), Array( _ 16, 1), Array(17, 1), Array(18, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True Cells.Select Selection.Copy Windows("نهائى الصوافى.xls").Activate Cells.Select ActiveSheet.Paste Rows("1:1").Select Application.CutCopyMode = False Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove Range("A2:G2").Select Selection.Copy Range("H1").Select ActiveSheet.Paste Columns("A:G").Select Range("G1").Activate Application.CutCopyMode = False Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft Range("M9").Select Columns("G:G").EntireColumn.AutoFit Range("A1:G1").Select Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter .WrapText = False .Orientation = 0 .AddIndent = False .IndentLevel = 0 .ShrinkToFit = False .ReadingOrder = xlContext .MergeCells = False End With With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter .WrapText = False .Orientation = 0 .AddIndent = False .IndentLevel = 0 .ShrinkToFit = False .ReadingOrder = xlContext .MergeCells = False End With Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .ColorIndex = 0 .TintAndShade = 0 .Weight = xlThin End With With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .ColorIndex = 0 .TintAndShade = 0 .Weight = xlThin End With With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .ColorIndex = 0 .TintAndShade = 0 .Weight = xlThin End With With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .ColorIndex = 0 .TintAndShade = 0 .Weight = xlThin End With With Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .ColorIndex = 0 .TintAndShade = 0 .Weight = xlThin End With With Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .ColorIndex = 0 .TintAndShade = 0 .Weight = xlThin End With With Selection.Font .Name = "Arial" .Size = 14 .Strikethrough = False .Superscript = False .Subscript = False .OutlineFont = False .Shadow = False .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic .TintAndShade = 0 .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone End With Selection.Font.Bold = True Columns("D:D").EntireColumn.AutoFit Columns("G:G").EntireColumn.AutoFit Columns("F:F").EntireColumn.AutoFit Columns("E:E").EntireColumn.AutoFit Columns("C:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit Columns("B:B").EntireColumn.AutoFit Columns("A:A").EntireColumn.AutoFit Range("L8").Select ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=6 End Sub
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