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تم العثور علي 1 نتيجه

  1. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ... فيه سؤال للأخ الرهوي في الرابط التالي يسأل عن البحث داخل مربع التحرير والسرد نفسه بمجرد الكتابة http://www.officena.net/ib/topic/66565-كيف-ابحث-في-مربع-سرد-بجزء-من-الكلمة-؟/ بحثت وحاولت ولم افلح ... وبعد بحث طويل وجدت المطلوب .. في الحقيقة لا اعلم ان كان هناك طرق اخرى ... ولكن بالنسبة لي لم اجد الا هذه الطريقة القوا نظرة على المرفق ان شاء الله يفيدكم .. هذا رابط المرجع ... http://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?fid=6295 وهذا الكود الأساسي مع الشرح قبل التعديل Private Sub Combo0_Change() ' Function Description: ' Filter a combo box list as the user types, similarly to how application ' launchers like Colibri, AppRocket and LaunchBar opperate. ' e.g. if the list contains the names of U.S. Presidents, and ' the user types "gw," then the resulting SQL WHERE clause will ' look like "Name Like '*g*w*'" and the resulting list ' will include George Washington, George H. W. Bush and ' George W. Bush, among others. ' The order is preserved, so that typing "wg" creates an SQL WHERE ' clause like "Name Like '*w*g*'" and the resulting list would ' include George Washington but not the Bushes. ' This is accomplished by grabbing the text typed by the user in the ' combo box's edit field, creating an SQL SELECT statement from it, ' and finally applying that SQL statement to the combo box's ' .RowSource property. ' Form design settings: ' Set AutoExpand to No ' Column Count 3 ' Keyed on column 1 (record primary key) ' Showing column 2 (user-readable data) column 2 width > 0 ' First and Second column width=0 Dim strText, strFind ' Get the text that the user has typed into the combo box editable field. strText = Me.Combo0.Text ' If the user has typed something in, then filter the combobox ' list to limit the visible records to those that contain the ' typed letters. ' Otherwise (if the field is blank), the user has deleted whatever ' text they typed, so show the entire (unfiltered) list If Len(Trim(strText)) > 0 Then ' Show the list with only those items containing the typed ' letters. ' Create an SQL query string for the WHERE clause of the SQL ' SELECT statement. strFind = "Name Like '" For i = 1 To Len(Trim(strText)) If (Right(strFind, 1) = "*") Then ' When adding another character, remove the ' previous "*," otherwise you end up with ' "*g**w*" instead of "*g*w*." ' This has no apparent impact on the user, but ' ensures that the SQL looks as intended. strFind = Left(strFind, Len(strFind) - 1) End If strFind = strFind & "*" & Mid(strText, i, 1) & "*" Next strFind = strFind & "'" ' Create the full SQL SELECt string for the combo box's ' .RowSource property. strSQL = "SELECT tName.nameKey, tName.Name, SortOrder FROM tName Where " & _ strFind & " ORDER BY SortOrder;" '' NOTE: to remove the order requirement, such that typing "wg" '' and "gw" return the same results, the SQL WHERE clause needs '' to look like "Name Like '*w* AND *g*'." '' The code above should be changed as follows: ''For i = 1 To Len(Trim(strText)) '' strFind = strFind & "Name Like '*" & Mid(strText, i, 1) & "*' And " ''Next '' ''strSQL = "SELECT tName.nameKey, tName.Name, SortOrder from tblApps Where " & _ ''Left(strFind, Len(strFind) - 5) & " Order By SortOrder" ' Filter the combo list records using the new SQL statement. Me.Combo0.RowSource = strSQL Else ' Show the entire list. strSQL = "SELECT tName.nameKey, tName.Name, tName.SortOrder FROM tName ORDER BY tName.SortOrder; " Me.Combo0.RowSource = strSQL End If ' Make sure the combobox is open so the user ' can see the items available on list. Me.Combo0.Dropdown End Sub اتمنى من خبرائنا واعضاء المنتدى الكرام القاء نظرة على المرفق وعلى الكود كامل لو فيه اضافات او تعديلات . وبالتوفيق للجميع . Search_inside_Combo.rar
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