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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم احبتي الكرام السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته وبعد : وجدت لكم دالة تأخذ التاريخ والوقت الدولي من الانترنت ، مع شروحات للاكواد وافية كثير من الاخوة يحتاجون هذه الدالة خاصة الذين يعتمدون على جهاز واحد ، وذلك من اجل سد ثغرات احتمال التلاعب بوقت وتاريخ الجهاز من الشروط وجود خدمة الانترنت ، واعتقد في اليوم الحاضر اصبح من الضروريات التي لا يتصور الاستغناء عنها هذه الدالة جميلة جدا تجلب التاريخ والوقت الدولي مع امكانية مراعاة فارق التوقيت حول العالم الدالة : InternetTime()' التاريخ والوقت في جرينتش InternetTime(3)' في مكة المكرمة InternetTime(2)' في مصر امكانية عمل التنسيقات عليه بالضبط تماما كما نتعامل مع الدالة()Date أو ()NOW فهذا التنسيق يعطينا الوقت في مكة Format(InternetTime(3);"hh:mm:ss AM/PM") وكما تلاحظون ان الارقام التي بين الاقواس تعني فارق الزمن وهذه هي الوحدات النمطية : Function InternetTime(Optional GMTDifference As Integer) As Date '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'This function returns the Greenwich Mean Time retrieved from an internet server. 'You can use the optional argument GMTDifference in order to add (or subtract) 'an hour from the GMT time. For Example if you call the function as: '=InternetTIme(2) it will return the (local) hour GMT + 2. Note that the 'GMTDifference variable is an integer number. 'Written by: Christos Samaras 'Date: 25/09/2013 'Last Updated: 20/11/2013 'e-mail: xristos.samaras@gmail.com 'site: http://www.myengineeringworld.net 'Declaring the necessary variables. Dim Request As Object Dim ServerURL As String Dim Results As String Dim NetDate As String Dim NetTime As Date Dim LocalDate As Date Dim LocalTime As Date 'Check if the time difference is within the accepted range. If GMTDifference < -12 Or GMTDifference > 14 Then Exit Function End If 'The server address. ServerURL = "http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fullscreen.html?n=2" 'Build the XMLHTTP object and check if was created successfully. On Error Resume Next Set Request = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Function End If On Error GoTo 0 'Create the request. Request.Open "GET", ServerURL, False, "", "" 'Send the request to the internet server. Request.Send 'Based on the status node result, proceed accordingly. If Request.readyState = 4 Then 'If the request succeed, the following line will return 'something like this: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 18:33:23 GMT. Results = Request.getResponseHeader("date") 'Use the Mid function to get something like: 30 Sep 2013 18:33:23. Results = Mid(Results, 6, Len(Results) - 9) 'Use the Left and Right function to distinguish the date and time. NetDate = Left(Results, Len(Results) - 9) '30 Sep 2013 NetTime = Right(Results, 8) '18:33:23 'Convert the date into a valid Excel date 30 Sep 2013 -> 30/9/2013. 'Required for countries that have some non-Latin characters at their alphabet (Greece, Russia, Serbia etc.). LocalDate = ConvertDate(NetDate) 'Add the hour difference to the retrieved GMT time. LocalTime = NetTime + GMTDifference / 24 'Return the local date and time. InternetTime = LocalDate + LocalTime End If 'Release the XMLHTTP object. Set Request = Nothing End Function Function ConvertDate(strDate As String) As Date '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'This function converts the input date into a valid Excel date. 'For example the 30 Sep 2013 becomes 30/9/2013. 'Required for countries that have non-Latin characters at their alphabet. 'Written by: Christos Samaras 'Date: 25/09/2013 'e-mail: xristos.samaras@gmail.com 'site: http://www.myengineeringworld.net '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Declaring the necessary variables. Dim MyMonth As Integer 'Check the month and convert it to number. Select Case UCase(Mid(strDate, 4, 3)) Case "JAN": MyMonth = 1 Case "FEB": MyMonth = 2 Case "MAR": MyMonth = 3 Case "APR": MyMonth = 4 Case "MAY": MyMonth = 5 Case "JUN": MyMonth = 6 Case "JUL": MyMonth = 7 Case "AUG": MyMonth = 8 Case "SEP": MyMonth = 9 Case "OCT": MyMonth = 10 Case "NOV": MyMonth = 11 Case "DEC": MyMonth = 12 End Select 'Rebuild the date. ConvertDate = DateValue(Right(strDate, 4) & "/" & MyMonth & "/" & Left(strDate, 2)) End Function وتطبيق المقال بهذا المثال : db2.rar