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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله اساتذتنا واخواننا في هذا المنتدى تحية لكم ارجو مساعدتي في خطاء برمجي عند الضغط على زر السكنر تظهر لي هذه الجملة (Type mismatch) Private Sub أمر166_Click() On Error Resume Next Dim y y = [dd] & "\" & [رقم الطلب] Dim fs As Object Dim q As Object Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If fs.FolderExists(y) = True Then Else Set q = fs.Createfolder(y) End If Dim hg, OldFile, DBwithEXT Dim fdialog As Office.FileDialog Dim filepath As String Dim sdialog As New WIA.CommonDialog Dim imagefile As WIA.imagefile On Error GoTo errorhandle Set fdialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs) OldFile = Me.x DBwithEXT = Dir(OldFile) hg = y & "\" & [a] & " " & [b] & " " & Format([c], "yyyy-mm-dd") & " " & [d] & "." & Right(DBwithEXT, 3) With fdialog .Title = "Save as" .AllowMultiSelect = False .InitialFileName = [hg] If .Show Then filepath = .SelectedItems(1) ' Else Exit Sub End If Set imagefile = sdialog.ShowAcquireImage() imagefile.SaveFile filepath [ImagePath] = filepath End With errorhandleexit: Exit Sub errorhandle: MsgBox Err.Description Resume errorhandleexit End Sub
- 7 replies
- vbacode
- خطاء برمجي
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