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Showing results for tags 'توحيد الاشكال المختلفة للاحرف'.
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اليوم اقدم لك وظيفة مُطَهَّرُ النُّصُوصِ الْعَرَبِيَّةِ غاية فى الروعة ومكتوبة بعناية واحترافية للحصول على اكبر قدر ممكن من الدقة فى الاداء والمرونة فى التناول عند الاستدعاء حيث أن الكود يعالج النصوص العربية بطريقة مرنة مع التركيز على ازالة المسافات وتنظيف النص و إزالة التشكيل و توحيد الاحرف ومعالجتها يعتمد الكود خيارين للعمل (إزالة المسافات أو التطبيع "توحيد الاشكال المختلفة للاحرف" ) مما يجعله قابلاً للتخصيص بناءً على الحاجة على سبيل المثال النص الاصلى والذى نريد معالجته : "تَجْرِبَةُ إِشْرَافٍ عَلَى? بَعْضِ الْأَمَاكِنِ أَوْ الْمَكَانِ رَقْمٌ 101" الحالات التى يمكن الحصول عليها من معالجة النص السابق هى ازالة المسافات فقط وتنظيف النص مع الابقاء على الارقام بدون التطبيع : تجربة إشراف على بعض الأماكن أو المكان رقم 101 ازالة المسافات وتنظيف النص مع الابقاء على الارقام مع التطبيع : تجربه اشراف علي بعض الاماكن او المكان رقم 101 ازالة المسافات وتنظيف النص مع ازالة الارقام مع التطبيع : تجربه اشراف علي بعض الاماكن او المكان رقم ازالة المسافات فقط وتنظيف النص مع ازالة الارقام بدون التطبيع : تجربة إشراف على بعض الأماكن أو المكان رقم الكود ' Function: ArabicTextSanitizer ' Purpose: Sanitizes Arabic text by removing non-Arabic characters, optionally normalizing the text, ' removing diacritics (harakat), and optionally removing numeric characters or spaces. ' Parameters: ' inputText (String): The Arabic text to be sanitized. It can contain Arabic characters, non-Arabic characters, ' diacritics, and numeric values. ' normalize (Boolean): Optional. If True, the text will be normalized by replacing specific Arabic characters ' with their standardized equivalents (default is True). ' RemoveNumbers (Boolean): Optional. If True, numeric characters (0-9) will be removed from the text (default is True). ' removeSpaces (Boolean): Optional. If True, all spaces in the text will be removed (default is False). ' Returns: ' String: The sanitized Arabic text with optional normalization, removal of numbers, and spaces. ' ' Example Use Cases: ' 1. Remove spaces only and clean the text while keeping numbers without normalization: ' ' Removes spaces from the text while keeping numbers and without normalizing the text. ' ' Example: ArabicTextSanitizer(inputArabicText, False, False, True) ' ' 2. Remove spaces and clean the text while keeping numbers and normalizing: ' ' Normalizes the text and removes spaces, while keeping numbers. ' ' Example: ArabicTextSanitizer(inputArabicText, True, False, True) ' ' 3. Remove spaces and clean the text while removing numbers and normalizing: ' ' Normalizes the text, removes spaces, and removes numbers. ' ' Example: ArabicTextSanitizer(inputArabicText, True, True, True) ' ' 4. Remove spaces only and clean the text while removing numbers without normalization: ' ' Removes spaces and numbers, but does not normalize the text. ' ' Example: ArabicTextSanitizer(inputArabicText, False, True, True) ' Public Function ArabicTextSanitizer(inputText As String, Optional normalize As Boolean = True, Optional RemoveNumbers As Boolean = True) As String On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Ensure the input is valid (non-empty and not null) If Nz(inputText, "") = "" Then ArabicTextSanitizer = "" Exit Function End If ' Initialize the sanitizedText with the trimmed input Dim sanitizedText As String sanitizedText = Trim(inputText) ' Step 1: Normalize the text if requested If normalize Then ' Define character replacement pairs for normalization Dim charReplacementPairs As Variant charReplacementPairs = Array( _ Array(ChrW(1573), ChrW(1575)), _ Array(ChrW(1571), ChrW(1575)), _ Array(ChrW(1570), ChrW(1575)), _ Array(ChrW(1572), ChrW(1608)), _ Array(ChrW(1574), ChrW(1609)), _ Array(ChrW(1609), ChrW(1610)), _ Array(ChrW(1577), ChrW(1607)), _ Array(ChrW(1705), ChrW(1603)), _ Array(ChrW(1670), ChrW(1580))) ' Apply replacements for character normalization Dim pair As Variant For Each pair In charReplacementPairs sanitizedText = Replace(sanitizedText, pair(0), pair(1)) Next ' Step 2: Remove diacritics (harakat) from the text Dim diacritics As String diacritics = ChrW(1600) & ChrW(1611) & ChrW(1612) & ChrW(1613) & ChrW(1614) & ChrW(1615) & ChrW(1616) & ChrW(1617) & ChrW(1618) Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Len(diacritics) sanitizedText = Replace(sanitizedText, Mid(diacritics, i, 1), "") Next End If ' Step 3: Retain only Arabic characters, spaces, and optionally numbers Dim tempChars() As String Dim charIndex As Long Dim intChar As Integer Dim finalResultText As String ' Iterate through each character in the sanitized text For i = 1 To Len(sanitizedText) intChar = AscW(Mid(sanitizedText, i, 1)) ' Check for Arabic characters (range for Arabic characters and spaces) If intChar = 32 Or _ (intChar >= 1569 And intChar <= 1594) Or _ (intChar >= 1601 And intChar <= 1610) Or _ (intChar >= 1648 And intChar <= 1649) Then ReDim Preserve tempChars(charIndex) tempChars(charIndex) = ChrW(intChar) charIndex = charIndex + 1 ' Optionally, check for numbers if RemoveNumbers is False ElseIf Not RemoveNumbers And (intChar >= 48 And intChar <= 57) Then ReDim Preserve tempChars(charIndex) tempChars(charIndex) = ChrW(intChar) charIndex = charIndex + 1 End If Next ' Step 4: Join the valid characters into a final result text finalResultText = Join(tempChars, "") ' Step 5: Remove extra spaces (multiple consecutive spaces replaced with a single space) finalResultText = Replace(finalResultText, " ", " ") ' Improved space replacement Do While InStr(finalResultText, " ") > 0 finalResultText = Replace(finalResultText, " ", " ") Loop ' Step 6: Remove special characters (if needed) finalResultText = Replace(finalResultText, "*", "") finalResultText = Replace(finalResultText, "#", "") finalResultText = Replace(finalResultText, "@", "") finalResultText = Replace(finalResultText, ",", "") ' Return the sanitized text If Len(Trim(Nz(finalResultText, ""))) = 0 Then ArabicTextSanitizer = vbNullString Else ArabicTextSanitizer = finalResultText End If Exit Function ErrorHandler: Debug.Print "Error in ArabicTextSanitizer: " & Err.Description ArabicTextSanitizer = "" End Function وهذه الوظيفة تبين اشكال وطرق الاستدعاء المختلفة ' Subroutine: TestArabicTextSanitizer ' Purpose: Demonstrates and validates the functionality of the ArabicTextSanitizer function. ' It shows various test cases for sanitizing Arabic text with diacritics, non-Arabic characters, and numbers. Sub TestArabicTextSanitizer() ' Declare input and result variables Dim inputArabicText As String Dim result As String ' Example input text with diacritics, non-Arabic characters, and numbers inputArabicText = "تَجْرِبَةُ * فَاحِصِهِ # @ , لِعَمَلٍ أَلِكَوَّدِ فِىَّ شَتِّيَّ 3ألْإِشْكآل " & _ "إِشْرَافٍ عَلَى? بَعْضِ الْأَمَاكِنِ أَوْ الْمَكَانِ رَقْمٌ 5 و الْمَكَانِ رَقْمٌ 100100ِ لمعرفة كيف سيعمل ها ألكود" ' Display the original input Arabic text Debug.Print "Input Arabic Text: " & inputArabicText ' Test case 1: Remove diacritics without normalization ' This case removes diacritics (harakat) without altering normalization or removing numbers result = ArabicTextSanitizer(inputArabicText, False, False) Debug.Print "Filtered Arabic Text (case 1 - Remove diacritics without normalization): " & result ' Test case 2: Normalize and remove diacritics ' This case normalizes the text (e.g., converting similar Arabic characters) and removes diacritics result = ArabicTextSanitizer(inputArabicText, True, False) Debug.Print "Normalized Arabic Text and Removed Diacritics (case 2): " & result ' Test case 3: Remove numbers as well (Optional argument set to True to remove numbers) ' This case normalizes the text and removes both diacritics and numbers result = ArabicTextSanitizer(inputArabicText, True, True) Debug.Print "Text without Numbers and Normalized (case 3): " & result ' Test case 4: Just remove diacritics without normalization or removing numbers ' This case removes diacritics and numbers, but does not normalize the text result = ArabicTextSanitizer(inputArabicText, False, True) Debug.Print "Text without Diacritics and Numbers (case 4): " & result End Sub واخيرا اليكم مرفق للتجربة Arabic Text Sanitizer.accdb
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