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saad abed
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saad abed's post in تفريغ الفاتورة من البيانات بعد عملية الترحيل لأكثر من شيت was marked as the answer
جرب الاتى
Sub SaveBill() On Error Resume Next Dim Lrow As Integer Lrow = ورقة3.Cells(ورقة3.Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row ورقة3.Cells(Lrow, "A") = sheet1.Cells(2, "B") ورقة3.Cells(Lrow, "B") = sheet1.Cells(3, "B") ورقة3.Cells(Lrow, "C") = sheet1.Cells(4, "B") ورقة3.Cells(Lrow, "D") = sheet1.Cells(29, "D") ورقة3.Cells(Lrow, "E") = sheet1.Cells(29, "F") ورقة3.Cells(Lrow, "F") = sheet1.Cells(30, "F") ورقة3.Cells(Lrow, "G") = sheet1.Cells(31, "F") ورقة3.Cells(Lrow, "H") = sheet1.Cells(32, "F") ورقة3.Cells(Lrow, "I") = sheet1.Cells(33, "F") Dim LastRow As Integer Dim R As Integer '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' For R = 7 To 27 If (sheet1.Cells(R, "b") <> "") Then LastRow = ورقة2.Cells(ورقة2.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row ورقة2.Cells(LastRow, "A") = sheet1.Cells(2, "B") ورقة2.Cells(LastRow, "B") = sheet1.Cells(3, "B") ورقة2.Cells(LastRow, "C") = sheet1.Cells(4, "B") ورقة2.Cells(LastRow, "D") = sheet1.Cells(R, "B") ورقة2.Cells(LastRow, "E") = sheet1.Cells(R, "C") ورقة2.Cells(LastRow, "F") = sheet1.Cells(R, "D") ورقة2.Cells(LastRow, "G") = sheet1.Cells(R, "E") ورقة2.Cells(LastRow, "H") = sheet1.Cells(R, "F") End If Next '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' sheet1.Range("b2").ClearContents sheet1.Range("b3").ClearContents sheet1.Range("b4").ClearContents sheet1.Range("b7:e27").ClearContents End Sub غيرت اسم الورقة من ورقه1 الى sheet1
saad abed's post in حذف محتوى الخلايا في الصفوف دون حذف الصفوف was marked as the answer
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حذف محتوى خلاي في الصفوف.rar