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  1. SEMO.Pa3x's post in اريد انشاء شاشة بحث was marked as the answer   
    عليكم السلام، اخوية شوف هذا الشرح
  2. SEMO.Pa3x's post in مساعدة عند الاختيار بند معين من القائمة المنسدلة يتم تعطيل أزرار المعاينة للتقرير was marked as the answer   
    عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته..
    If alaishtiratat = "مطابق للشروط" Then cmd_reject.Enabled = False cmd_accept.Enabled = True Else cmd_reject.Enabled = True cmd_accept.Enabled = False End If غيرت أسماء الأزرار للقبول والرفض بـ cmd_accept , cmd_reject
  3. SEMO.Pa3x's post in داله لاستدعاء التاريخ السابق was marked as the answer   
    عليكم السلام، تفضل:
    Private Sub cmd_getDate_Click() 'c0ded bY: SEMO.Pa3x Dim lastDate As String lastDate = DMax("myDate", "tblMyTable", "myDate < " & "#" & DateNow & "#") MsgBox lastDate End Sub  
  4. SEMO.Pa3x's post in مساعدة في مربع تحرير وسرد was marked as the answer   
    عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته، تفضل جرب وأخبرني النتيجة.
    Private Sub x1_AfterUpdate() 'c0ded bY: SEMO.Pa3x '------------------- Dim ftPosition As String ftPosition = x1.Column(3) 'set value from combobox to textbox xt = ftPosition End Sub  
  5. SEMO.Pa3x's post in حماية قاعدة البيانات was marked as the answer   
    شاهد رد أحد موظفي شركة مايكروسوفت:
    Dirk Goldgar Replied on October 6, 2014
    No, there is no code you can put into the un-trusted database too automatically make it trusted.  If you think about it, being able to do that would completely defeat the security barrier placed on untrusted code.
    What I would suggest you do is, rather than have your co-workers need to actively trust this particular database, put the database into a shared network folder that everyone's installation of Access is set to trust.  That way, any database placed in that folder will automatically be trusted, so no security prompt will be displayed. 
    However, the hitch here is that all users must tell Access to trust that folder.  Manually, that would be done by way of the Trust Center settings, and you'd have to give everyone instructions that they'd have to follow -- once -- to trust the folder.  If your company has a standard desktop configuration that gets installed on all users' desktops, it would be possible to have the trusted network folder be part of that installation.
    Alternatively, I believe there may be a utility out there that you can have all your users execute  to add a particular folder to the trusted folders list.  I'll have a quick look around online now to see if I can find such a thing; you may want to do the same.
    Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP 2001-2015
    Access tips: www.datagnostics.com/tips.html
  6. SEMO.Pa3x's post in اظهار صورة فى تقرير فرعى was marked as the answer   
    عليكم السلام، تفضل.
  7. SEMO.Pa3x's post in مساعدة في منع التكرار was marked as the answer   
    Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) If DCount("الرقم", "Données _sur- les- élèves", "[الاسم] = '" & الاسم & "' And [اللقب] = '" & اللقب & "' And [رقم التسجيل] ='" & رقم التسجيل & "'") > 0 Then Cancel = True MsgBox "هذا الشخص موجود", vbCritical, "عملية خاطئة" End If End Sub  
    الشهادة المدرسية للقدامى.accdb
  8. SEMO.Pa3x's post in مشكلة بالتقرير عندما اختار اسم المجهز (معدل) was marked as the answer   
    اهلا عزيزي..
    قم بنقل شرط تصفية الاستعلام الى الحقل ( اسم المجهز ) وليس جهة تجهيز الكونكريت

    ويكون الشرط كالاتي:
    [Forms]![search]![supplier_name] لا تستخدم جملة الـ Like لانها تتضمن بحث جزئي
  9. SEMO.Pa3x's post in اهداء لمنتدانا الرائع / برنامج بسيط للدائنون وتسديد الديون was marked as the answer   
    بارك الله فيك ابو اشرف, وجعلها الله في ميزان حسناتك
  10. SEMO.Pa3x's post in التنسيق الشرطي لم يعد يعمل .. was marked as the answer   
    الخلل انك قمت بوضع مسافات ( Space ) قبل وبعد كلمة ( حاضر / غائب )
    " غائب "
    " حاضر "
    لاحظ المسافات قبل الكلمة وبعدها, احذف المسافات او قم بعمل التنسيق الشرطي مع المسافات
    وسيعمل بشكل جيد

    متابعة غياب طلاب الفراغات.mdb
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