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Check out a file from a server running SharePoint Products and Technologies
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Note Before completing the steps below, consult your network administrator for the URL (Uniform Resource Locator (URL): An address that specifies a protocol (such as HTTP or FTP) and a location of an object, document, World Wide Web page, or other destination on the Internet or an intranet, for example: http://www.microsoft.com/.) of the server running Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server or Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services and name of the folder with the file that you want to check out. You must be a member of a site group with the Edit Items right. All default site groups except the Reader and Member site groups include this right.
Open the Microsoft Office program that was used to create the file.
Click File, and then click Open.
In the Filename field, type in the URL of the server and the path to the file that you would like to open, and then click Open. You can enter an Internet address (such as www.example.com) or an intranet address (such as http://example).
Click File, and then click Check Out.
When you are finished editing the file, click File, and then click Check in.
Depending upon how the folder is set up, you may be prompted for information about the file and asked whether or not you want to publish the file to make it available to others viewing that document library.
If you try to close a file without checking in your changes, you'll be asked if you want to check in the changes, keep the file checked out, or discard the changes.
If you try to close the file without saving, you'll be asked if you want to save the changes and check them in, save the changes and keep the file checked out, discard the changes and undo the checkout, or discard the changes and keep the file checked out.