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  3. Option Explicit Public Sub ColourChange() Dim Clé As Range For Each Clé In ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("C5:N400") Application.ScreenUpdating = False If Not IsError(Clé) Then With Clé .Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone Select Case .Value2 Case "اخضر" .Interior.Color = RGB(0, 204, 0): .Font.Color = RGB(0, 204, 0) Case "ازرق" .Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255): .Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255) Case "اصفر" .Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0): .Font.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) Case "احمر" .Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0): .Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) End Select End With End If Next Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub تلوين.xlsm
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  12. الموضوع تعبنى جدا والله وكان تحدى صعب احب التنويه الى شئ استخدام sleep اثناء العمل قد يصيب الأكسس بالتجميدوالشلل وقد يعلق فى الذاكرة ولذلك ابتعدت عن ضبط الاكواد من خلالها واليكم نتيجة التحدى اولا تم مراعاة وضع الاكواد فى وحدة نمطية ليتم استخدامها فى اكثر من نموذج حتى لو اختلف وتعددت الوان أزرار الأوامر ومهما اختلفت اسماء او عناوين الأزرار وفى حاجة كمان لو عاوزيين نلون لون الزرار بالاصفر بس ومنغيرش تسمية عنصر التسمية ممكن جدا جدا ومن نفس الكود يعنى كود ذكى وابن حلال وبيقدر يفهمنا من أول تكه على الزرار اه والله زيمبئولكم كده.. شغل فاخر من الاخر اومااااااااااال 1- أكواد الوحدة النمطية Option Compare Database Option Explicit ' Constant that specifies the time interval for color flashing (in seconds) Const dblTimeInterval As Double = 0.5 ' Constant that determines the number of times the colors will flash Const intFlashCount As Integer = 5 ' Variable to track whether Label flashing should occur Public AllowFlashing ' Public variables to store default values Public btnControlDefaultColor As Long Public lblControlDefaultColor As Long Public strLblControlCaption As String Public formIsClosing As Boolean ' Public variable to store the selected button Public selectedButton As CommandButton ' Function to return the highlighted color Function ApplyHighlighted() As Long ApplyHighlighted = RGB(255, 255, 0) End Function ' Subroutine to set the button color Sub ButtonColor(ByVal frm As Form, Optional btn As CommandButton = Nothing, Optional DisableLabelChange As Boolean) ' Set the default button color if not highlighted If Not btn Is Nothing Then If btn.BackColor <> ApplyHighlighted Then btnControlDefaultColor = btn.BackColor ' Clear the previous button's highlight If Not selectedButton Is Nothing Then selectedButton.BackColor = btnControlDefaultColor End If ' Set the new button as selected and highlight it btn.BackColor = ApplyHighlighted ' Save the caption of the current button If Not DisableLabelChange Then strLblControlCaption = btn.Caption End If Set selectedButton = btn End If End Sub ' Subroutine to flash the label control Sub FlashLabelControl(frm As Form, lblControl As Object, DisableLabelChange As Boolean) On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Dim flashingColor As Long Dim flashingInterval As Single Dim flashCount As Integer Dim flashTimer As Single Dim i As Integer On Error GoTo 0 ' Turn off error trapping. On Error Resume Next ' Defer error trapping. ' Set the default label color if not highlighted If lblControl.BackColor <> ApplyHighlighted Then lblControlDefaultColor = lblControl.BackColor flashingColor = ApplyHighlighted flashingInterval = dblTimeInterval flashCount = intFlashCount ' Reset the label color to the default when the form is loaded If TypeOf lblControl Is Access.Label And Not formIsClosing Then lblControl.BackColor = lblControlDefaultColor If Not DisableLabelChange Then lblControl.Caption = strLblControlCaption End If End If flashTimer = Timer + flashingInterval ' Flash the label color For i = 1 To flashCount Do While Timer < flashTimer And Not formIsClosing DoEvents Loop ' Update the label color during the flash If TypeOf lblControl Is Access.Label And Not formIsClosing Then If AllowFlashing Then ' Check the AllowLabelCaptionChange value to determine whether to change the caption If Not DisableLabelChange Then lblControl.Caption = IIf(lblControl.Caption = strLblControlCaption, strLblControlCaption, vbNullString) End If lblControl.BackColor = IIf(lblControl.BackColor = lblControlDefaultColor, flashingColor, lblControlDefaultColor) End If End If ' Update the flash timer flashTimer = Timer + flashingInterval Next i ' Reset the label color to the default after flashing If TypeOf lblControl Is Access.Label And Not formIsClosing Then lblControl.BackColor = lblControlDefaultColor If Not DisableLabelChange Then lblControl.Caption = strLblControlCaption End If End If ' 2467 Err.Clear ' Clear Err Exit Sub ' Exit to avoid handler. ErrorHandler: ' Error-handling routine. Select Case Err.Number ' Evaluate error number. Case Is = 2467 flashCount = 0 flashTimer = 0 Exit Sub ' Exit to avoid handler. Case Else ' Handle other situations here... MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description Resume ' Resume execution at the same line End Select End Sub ' Subroutine to change the button color and control Label flashing Sub ChangeCommandButtonColor(frm As Form, Optional lblControl As Object, Optional DisableLabelChange As Boolean) On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Dim clickedButton As CommandButton Set clickedButton = frm.ActiveControl On Error GoTo 0 ' Turn off error trapping. On Error Resume Next ' Defer error trapping. ' Clear the previous button's highlight If Not selectedButton Is Nothing Then selectedButton.BackColor = btnControlDefaultColor lblControl.Caption = "" strLblControlCaption = "" End If ' Set the new button as selected and highlight it Set selectedButton = clickedButton ' Update the label caption If Not DisableLabelChange Then strLblControlCaption = clickedButton.Caption End If ' Apply the button color and control Label flashing ButtonColor frm, clickedButton, True ' Check if lblControl is provided and is a valid object If Not lblControl Is Nothing Then AllowFlashing = Not DisableLabelChange ' Determine whether to trigger flashing lblControl.Caption = strLblControlCaption FlashLabelControl frm, lblControl, False End If Err.Clear ' Clear Err Exit Sub ' Exit to avoid handler. ErrorHandler: ' Error-handling routine. Select Case Err.Number ' Evaluate error number. Case Is = 5 Exit Sub ' Exit to avoid handler. Case Else ' Handle other situations here... MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description Resume ' Resume execution at the same line End Select End Sub 2- الاكواد للاستخدام من خلال النموذج ولا اسهل من كده.. يا عينى ع الدلع Private Sub Form_Load() formIsClosing = False End Sub Private Sub Form_Close() formIsClosing = True End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() ' Call the ChangeCommandButtonColor subroutine with the current form and label control (lblDisplayTitle). ChangeCommandButtonColor Me, Me.lblDisplayTitle End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() ' Call the ChangeCommandButtonColor subroutine with the current form and label control (lblDisplayTitle). ChangeCommandButtonColor Me, Me.lblDisplayTitle End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() ' Call the ChangeCommandButtonColor subroutine with the current form and label control (lblDisplayTitle). ChangeCommandButtonColor Me, Me.lblDisplayTitle End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() ' Call the ChangeCommandButtonColor subroutine with the current form and label control (lblDisplayTitle). ChangeCommandButtonColor Me, Me.lblDisplayTitle End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() ' Call the ChangeCommandButtonColor subroutine with the current form only without label control (lblDisplayTitle). ' To disable Allow Label Caption Change = True ChangeCommandButtonColor Me, Me.lblDisplayTitle, True End Sub معلش انا شرحت كل شئ ع الأكواد بالانجليزى طبعا مش فلسفة علشان عارف انت هتقول ايه سامعك... علشان العربى بيعمل مشاكل فى الاعدادت الاقليمية للغة لو مكانت مضبوطه بس خلاص • وأخيرا المرفق FlashLabel.accdb
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