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السمعه بالموقع

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1 متابع

عن العضو hafez81

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اخر الزوار

1,487 زياره للملف الشخصي
  1. 2 project Prepare two tables: tbl1 and tbl2. Each table has about 100 rows. The tables are relational, with a foreign key. We will demonstrate the three basic operations of data analytics: · Aggregation, · Filter, and · Join You need to implement the following queries. Consider the example on the Excel file (exmpls.xlsx) · Aggregation: SELECT count(*) FROM tbl1 GROUP BY City · Filter: SELECT Name FROM tbl1 WHERE Age > 40 · Join: SELECT Name FROM tbl1, tbl2 WHERE Salary > 5000 You can pick any system/language to implement the project: Excel انتبه من فضلك ... مشاركة مكررة , تــــم بالفعل حذف المشاركة الأخرى hafez excel22.xlsx
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